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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Whoops! Half of Georgia’s Insurance Enrollees Haven’t Paid Yet

Georgia insurers received more than 220,000 applications for health coverage in the Affordable Care Act’s exchange as of the official federal deadline of March 31, state officials said Wednesday.

Insurance Commissioner Ralph Hudgens, though, said premiums have been received for only 107,581 of those policies, which cover 149,465 people.

“Many Georgians completed the application process by the deadline, but have yet to pay for the coverage,” Hudgens said in a statement Wednesday.

Half? Half? Sure, the nonpayment rates will be a lot lower in other places. But this indicates how much skepticism is warranted for the administration’s much-touted enrollment figures.



  1. Aaaand the other half is on the dole and doesn't have to pay.....

  2. The south is over run with deadbeats.

  3. 11:33 started right after the first civil war ended and the slaves were deemed free....problem was they didn't have many skills - nor the ambition to get new ones.

    Not much changed since!


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