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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Where Do People Like This Come From? (35 pics)


  1. The Eastern Shore.

  2. 7:15 - completely agree...no manners, no class.

  3. It irritates the absolute crap out of me when I see someone leave their cart in the parking lot. They can't just walk an extra 30-50 steps to put it where it belongs.

  4. @ none said
    No they cant, just plain lazy... and when you see someone do it they look around to see if anyone's watching them lol

  5. I stated this earlier. Take the cart back and you potentially eliminate a job. Don't expect to get cheaper groceries!

  6. Where do they come from? PA, NJ, NY, etc. And for some damn reason, they all want to move here.

  7. the projects and the trailer parks or sure but usually it is the upper class people who do it

  8. It particularly irritates me on a windy day - my poor vehicle has been hit by these runaway carts and they leave real nice dents.

  9. They come from Obama voters.

  10. Anon 7:15 and Anon 7:32 - if you don't like the Eastern Shore then leave. And take all your Shore hating friends with you.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Anon 7:15 and Anon 7:32 - if you don't like the Eastern Shore then leave. And take all your Shore hating friends with you.

    April 24, 2014 at 7:10 AM

    and even if you do like the shore, please leave.

  12. the entitlement crowd

  13. It is what is taught in our society. No one takes any responsibility for anything; they are taught someone else will do it or it is not their job.

    Until we demand accountability in all areas of our society, nothing will change. Until there are term limits on congress, the career politicians will keep handing out freebies to keep their lucrative jobs. Most of these folks on the receiving end to not contribute anything positive to our society.

  14. If everyone takes the carts back to the stores you will eliminate another persons job!!! I say leave them in the lot it keeps other people working!!! Just doing my part to keep jobs...

  15. This is classic Delmarva behavior!

  16. Those of you who are saying you leave your carts in the parking lot because it's a job for someone, is bull crap! Just tell like it is... You are lazy & ignorant! Responsible people put their cart in the cart holder because its the right thing to do! People who leave their cart in the parking lot are the same people who throw trash and cigarette butts out their car window.

  17. Pure ignorance. The world is full of it. My parents taught me personal responsibility. Many parents don't parent or raise entitled little brats who think this behavior is ok. I would love to have the superpower of being able to weed the a$$hows out of society permanently.

  18. All 17 comments on one grocery cart in the parking lot. Obviously they were to stupid and/or lazy to notice there was a link to more pictures other than shopping carts.

  19. 2:18-And automatically assumed it was at the Fruitland Wal Mart and read no further.

  20. There's a grocery chain in New England that has a policy. You pay a quarter to get a cart out of the cart corral, then get your quarter back when you return the cart. If you don't return it, someone else will for that quarter. It works like a charm.

  21. Things must really be bad in New England.

  22. The carts at Wal-Mart are not worth a quarter.


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