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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

What If The Government Guaranteed You An Income?

First, the bad news: Even if the economy improves, middle-class career paths will continue to disappear as globalization and technological innovation render more jobs obsolete.

Now, the good news: The fear, stress and humiliation caused by unemployment (and underemployment) can be alleviated with a simple solution.

And now, the even-better news: This simple solution is starting to find backers on both sides of the political spectrum.

A monthly cash payment to every American, no questions asked, would solve several of our most daunting challenges. It's called a basic income, and it's cheaper and much more effective than our current malfunctioning safety net, which costs nearly $1 trillion per year.



  1. is this a tax day joke? he who giveth can just as quickly taketh it away!

  2. The DT's recently interviewed DE Senator Chris Coons and he talks about the unfilled jobs in DE. He stops short of saying this being the result of an education system that doesn't teach critical skills but is more interested in memorization because of standardized testing.
    These are high paying, good benefit jobs that do not require a 4 yr degree. SPI Pharma in Lewes being one of them. He goes on to say high school graduates don't even have the communication skills necessary for these jobs.
    When and until the education system improves will we have any chance of a major recovery.

  3. A guaranteed income would only give the lazy money to spend without working.

    If you want to do something like this - supplement existing incomes to a living wage...quit working and it's gone.

    I'm not really advocating this - but it is better than the original idea...


    NFW! Why should the producers cover the butts of the non-producers? I worked hard to develop my career abilities and am now reaping the benefits in a good salary - while seeing too much bling in the food stamp line!

  4. The government doesn't guarantee an income? They make sure that anyone who doesn't work gets paid.


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