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Friday, April 25, 2014

Weather Issues Push Back Beach Replenishment Target Date

OCEAN CITY- Like many of the offseason projects conducted in the resort this winter, beach replenishment in Ocean City has not been immune to the unusually harsh weather and now has a target completion date of May 10, or about five weeks after what was originally planned.

The preliminary work on the vast network of dunes in Ocean City began in early February in advance of the larger beach replenishment project that began roughly around February 25. The beach replenishment project started at the north end of the resort at 146th Street and for the last two months or so has been progressing in a southerly direction toward its final conclusion around 4th Street.

This week, crews and heavy equipment were working in an area roughly between 77th and 80thStreets, which suggests they are a little better than half way there. City Engineer Terry McGean said following a weekly progress report this week persistent bad weather including a series of harsh winter storms has delayed the project, but it now chugging forward to an estimated completion date of May 10. The original target date was April 2.

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