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Sunday, April 06, 2014

UVa Student Sues State, ABC Agents For $40 Million

A University of Virginia student charged last year with assaulting Virginia Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control agents attempting to stop her for underage possession beer that turned out to be sparkling water has filed a $40 million lawsuit against the state and seven agents.

Among other things, Elizabeth K. Daly’s 47-page suit, filed Tuesday in Richmond Circuit Court, alleges malicious prosecution, failure to train ABC agents appropriately, and six counts of assault and battery.

Michael Kelly, director of communications for Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring, said, “It’s incredibly unfortunate that the situation that night in Charlottesville occurred at all. As this case proceeds, the Attorney General’s Office will defend the commonwealth’s interests and work to ensure a just and reasonable outcome.”



  1. 40 Mill? Please, it's not like you burnt yours self drinking hot coffee or something!

  2. Godspeed, girl! Those Keystone cops need to be taken down several notches and learn who they work for!

    For what you went through, 40 sounds right.

  3. She should get every penny. She will probably put the money to better use than the state.

  4. I would expect that any monetary damages that she may win would probably come from the state. So, basically, in suits like this it is the taxpayers who end up footing the bill. Great...

  5. I think every law enforcement member involved in this should be fired... The law suit is a no brainer.

  6. Good for her, nail em.

  7. when are the powers that be wise up and stop giving our money for cops screwups? blanket immunity should be taken away from cops and make them accountable for their illegal and immoral acts, THAT COST US MONEY!


  8. Hope she gets every cent! Kinda doubt their authority extends to bottled water, thus invalidating each and every action they took against her.

    They were dealing with one young woman; didn't require them trying to play Elliot Ness.

    Try something like, "Excuse me miss, have you purchased alcohol, and are you age 21?" instead.

  9. I hope she sues Eric Holder as well...he is chief law-boy too

  10. Good for her...must have been terrifying to go through that experience, but I am not all that surprised when Gov't officials pull guns on employees at a guitar store looking for "illegal wood"...our (used to be our gov't anyway--now seems to be almost a private army for our socialist pres)government is out of control!

  11. If you want to take the curse words out of your comments I'll publish them. In the mean time I am REJECTING those comments with curse words. You can make the same point without them.

  12. you are more than welcome to take them out. I am just a tired citizen of the USA - tired of crappy Lawyers and complete failure of Judicial system and it all starts with LAWYERS - even the Hatefield and McCoys was stored up from a Lawyer.

  13. 9:36... remember this --- when you cheer the Gestapo and their over-the-top reaction to everything, including the purchase of sparkling water, you can't complain when "we, the people" have to foot a 40 MILLION dollar penalty. Perhaps you should start thinking about the behavior of the SERVANTS who think they need SEVEN MEN and drawn weapons (she's lucky she wasn't killed) to handle what should have been a polite interaction, as 10:09 pointed out.
    And yes, police SHOULD be personally accountable for their actions -- I guarantee there would be a lot less kids getting shot, women getting maced while in handcuffs, raped and shot, and people murdered for being in their living room during a raid at the wrong house.
    When you give armed men the authority to beat, kill, rob, and rape, and then tell them not to worry --- you have "the color of right" (an almost insurmountable wall of blanket immunity) and a whole system of judges and State's Attorneys to wave off any guilt for their actions, no matter WHAT they do, then this is what you get. WE (the people) daily go to PRISON (!!) for what these storm troopers do to us and call it "public service".
    Keep cheering. And pony up your share.

  14. Hey there, Imclain - 9:36 here. How about you take your meds and re-read my post? Where in my post did I 'cheer the gestapo'? MY POINT (I have CAPS, too!) was fairly simple, tho' it seems to have sailed over your head. My assumption is that a judgement against the state is PAID FOR BY THE TAXPAYER (CAPS, again!). You seem to find some justice in that - I only see further travesty.


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