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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

USPS Having Sellers Remorse

The Postal Service may not have realized what it was losing when it sold 22 historic properties over three recent years. The inspector general says the cash-strapped agency did not know how many historic properties it owned or what it cost to preserve them. It did not report historic New Deal artwork to the National Museum of American Art, as required by agency rules. It's largely a data problem: facilities personnel failed to catalog historic properties as such in their computer system. Post offices included those in the Bronx, and, at the other end of the country, La Jolla, Calif. The Postal Service is trying to offload costly older buildings to save money and reduce its footprint.


  1. Nancy Pelosi's husband is the "buyer" of all these properties through a company he owns. Isn't that a "sweet" deal? Wonder if anyone else could have done this...doubt it.

  2. USPS is dying a slow death , very similar to government agencies .
    They have no productive people , they just don't give a crap.
    This is where "common core" got it's name.

  3. Citizen outrage was evident at the onset of the proposals of sale of these properties, especially in regards to the 1930s murals. Shame on the USPS for not doing its due diligence.

  4. Don't single out the USPS.The entire Federal government is in shambles and desperately looking for something to divert attention away from them.Don't let the situation in the Ukraine,flight 370,the ferry tragedy or any other newsworthy disaster to divert your attention away from the here and now.One can see how bad things are getting when the Federal gov throws one of their own under the bus.Focus on the issues that directly affect us and fool the heck out of the smoke and mirrors politicians.

  5. 9:03 AM

    we have to start somewhere, and there are too many not to 'single' them out.


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