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Friday, April 25, 2014

U.S. News Releases Top Ranked Maryland High Schools

According to U.S. News and World Report, Walt Whitman High School is the highest ranked high school in Maryland.

The school, located in Bethesda, Md., leads the pack of mostly Montgomery County Public Schools.

Rankings are based on data from the Maryland State Department of Education.

  To see all school rankings click HERE 


  1. "Rankings are based on data from the Maryland State Department of Education." That about says it all, don't you think?

  2. And we wonder why we are laughed at by the rest of the state of Maryland... 23% for JMB... the education there is good.. the percentage of kids trying to improve themselves by using education is small....

    Sad to see that people down here do not value education more.. very sad

    That is why poverty is pervasive and long-standing

  3. also misleading is it doesn't include private schools...which in both baltimore and washington area are very prominent

  4. If this report is trying to tell us that James M. Bennett High School is the best prepared for school readiness then we know someone is lying.

    First the majority of the students are thugs from the ghetto. The few that will be going to college will be going to UMES.

    Second it's a brand new school so of course they are going to make you think it is money well spent.

    Third anything from the public school system is nothing but a farce.

    The better prepared students for college come from Salisbury Christian School, Salisbury School and Parkside and not in that order.

  5. When you keep dumbing down the curriculums, score have to go up!

  6. Hire more teachers, build more buildings, raise everyone's pay and see if things get any better. A better approach might be to get a new broom and start sweeping from the top down. Get rid of the inbred bureaucracy and incompetence, start fresh with thinking people who value learning - not money and buildings.

  7. get the unions out of all school systems. open up for vouchers to the school of your choice. EVERYTHING will improve dramatically.

  8. 50 years ago, teachers were discriminate, decent, conservative people. Students received a high quality respectful education that prepared them for life's responsibilities.
    Today, teachers are liberal, counter culture uneducated dingbats that have sex with their students.
    Nuff said??

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    50 years ago, teachers were discriminate, decent, conservative people. Students received a high quality respectful education that prepared them for life's responsibilities.
    Today, teachers are liberal, counter culture uneducated dingbats that have sex with their students.
    Nuff said??

    April 25, 2014 at 11:14 AM

    You spoke the truth.

  10. Look at those college readiness scores. Tsk.


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