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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Two People Allegedly Shot This Morning In Salisbury

We've been getting messages all morning stating two people have been shot in Salisbury this morning. We're trying to get to the bottom of it and we'll update you as soon as we can. 

UPDATE: We're told there was a home invasion in Nithsdale last night. One person is dead and the other is in surgery. 

UPDATE: As crazy as this might sound, we're getting word, (not confirmed) that there was a double shooting in Salisbury as well as the home invasion in Nithsdale. The home invasion, two patients were beaten with a baseball bat. Incredible!

UPDATE: As for the home invasion, one of the two male victims in Nithsdale is deceased. We're told it is a father and son. 

Originally published at 9:36 AM


  1. Is this the one off Pemberton Dr? Saw crime scene tape roped off 1/4 mile from Nithsdale.

  2. Thank you. It happened in the area of Pemberton Drive from what I have heard

  3. My wife is always saying I am over reacting because I have a pistol handy in every room of the house, (we have no children), I am ready for those lazy degenerate home invaders!

  4. That's why I moved to Church St.I had to get out of Nithsdale because of all the crime.

  5. 9:57 - Now that's Funny!!!

  6. That's is exactly why you need big dogs and a lot of guns . Dogs hold em off long enough to get to your guns

  7. I do not believe they are father and son. They work together, they are and have been roommates for a very long time. Probably a father/son relationship. I understand it is down the road from Nithsdale, not in Nithsdale. Pemberton Drive! Detectives still on sight as stated by a neighbor from 2 doors down.

  8. Let's ban all basball bats!!!! NOW!

  9. Right a dog will warn you and give you a bit of time to get your bearings. First get your gun and if possible like if you are in a bedroom, lock the door. If they burst in fill them full of bullets. Then call a lawyer, before calling 911 and have the lawyer en route.
    If you are rural, don't call anyone. Just drag the trash in a field or the woods with an ATV or a tractor and let the buzzards and wild animals take care of the rest for you.

  10. A shooting in Berlin as well this morning. It's a matter of time over there, with all the drug markets.

  11. I just drove around Nithsdale and there is no signs of any crime. The police tape is a 1/4 mile east of Nithsdale so my guess is that the home invasion/shooting was there.

  12. Any names I have friends in that area?

  13. I have two Dogs, and a baseball bat at each door and I also have hunting rifles and and crossbow ready. Don't want to have to kill anyone, but have no problem disabling them for life.

  14. Church Street isn't any better

  15. 11:07-Or any worse.

  16. 10:58, both in Berlin were in their 90's and sounds like one of them was terminally ill. nothing to do with drugs or anything else of that nature. you know what 'assuming' does.

  17. that's the point...the irony....Church st. probably safer. They leave u alone in the areas that are labeled "bad"

  18. I think Church St is even more dangerous than Nithdale

  19. The Crack/Heroin dealers have and can be seen nightly around the tennis courts upon entering Nithsdale. Damn shame we moved to such a crime ridden area. My kids say their friends at Salisbury Christian are snorting cocaine in the bathrooms before class. Crazy times we live in. Praying for the victims here.

  20. The couple in Berlin were in their 90's. A very sweet and devoted couple who had no children. They were very excited about moving to an assisted living home this week. As a part of their family, we always knew that they would go together. They could not and would not live without each other. We are devastated.

    1. Sad it ended that way for them.But to have that much love is amazing. may they rest in peace.

  21. Salisbury is so bad ..I opened a store on North end..was open 4 days ...and closed the doors ..The 4 days I was open I watched stuff go on in the parking lot that you don't see on tv..Drugs Drugs and more drugs..People handing bags in and out of the shops and cars pulling in and out for 5 to 10 minutes at a time , even watched a couple stand in front of my door and light up some sort of pipes and pass it around..Had to call police one evening just to get my car out of parking lot..Salisbury is a very dangerous city,,,these idiot hudlums have no problems killing you for a $..They think they are entitled to rob your home and kill you ..to them its only a life , they don't care..Some one better get busy and clean up this shit hole soon...Its about to be an all out war zone...My gun is waiting for the hooded idiot who breaks in on me ...come on get ya some...

  22. After I lost my wife I fought these thoughts to. I was in the abyss and it damn near got me. Im back now. Darkest days of my life they were.

  23. Too many cops sitting on desk. Get them back on the streets. The county has gotten as bad as the State Police two or three on at a time. Hell lunch time you see ten of them eating together. They got cops doing what civilians should be doing. Cops are cops not mechanics and property guys. The city needs to take care of schools in the city. You dont see a county car out in the county no more. I have left calls to Mike he is just another politician


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