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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

TONIGHT: NAACP Sponsors “Implementation of Common Core State Educational Standards” Seminar

Salisbury, MD … Dr. Barbara Dezmon will be the guest speaker for an NAACP special seminar on Common Core on Tuesday April 22, 2014 at 6:30 pm. This meeting will be held at Chipman Cultural Center, 325 Broad Street, Salisbury, MD.

The Common Core Standards focuses on raising expectations for what students should know and be able to do at the conclusion of their schooling. The standards represent an attempt to have all children held to rigorous results. The Standards comprise a list of educational outcomes to enhance the academic and personal life success for all children.

Dr. Dezmon completed her doctorate in Education Policy, Planning, and Administration at the University of MD. at College Park. During her work at the Maryland Dept. of Education, she was

Chair of the Achievement Initiative for Maryland’s Minority Students. Also, Dr. Dezmon has developed software for curriculum development and differentiation to enhance the academic achievement of minority and other students.

For additional information about this meeting, contact Mary Ashanti, President, at 410-543-4187.

The public is invited to attend this meeting.

Light refreshments will be served.


  1. Dr Barb was given "special" status at the REPEAL Common Core Hearing in Annapolis - this is a real honor for whoever was specially invited to this "special meeting"

  2. I heard Dr. Dezmon testify at the hearing in Annapolis on March 5th for Delegate Smiegel's bill to repeal Common Core - her testimony was not exactly a ringing endorsement of CCSS - she was very low-key and basically seemed to have the attitude that she was for it because, as with all bureaucrats, "We have to do SOMETHING". As conservatives know, policies instituted for this reason rarely work out well.

  3. What she doesn't understand is the minority students will be hurt by Common Core the most. Just as research shows Charter Schools widen the acheivement gap she will see that CC will set minority children back. Sounds to me like most pro CC "experts" she has not done much real research just regurgitating rhetoric. Might be interesting to see how much Gates money has made its way to the NAACP.

  4. Make it clear that Mary Ashanti supports Common Core 100%!!!!!

  5. Common Core simply dummies education down so all are equal. it does not allow for any to excel. Biggest mistake yet in education.

  6. 814 anyone who believes cc "dummies education down" likely has no clue what cc actually is. Rather you're simply spouting against it because it's the "in" thing to do. Plenty of problems with cc, it's implementation, and testing framework. But "dumming down" is far from what this does. Please read up before spouting anymore.

  7. The kids who didn't learn before No Child Left Behind didn't learn with NCLB. That's why we had to change to something, anything, else. It's a desperate attempt to find some magic curriculum that will improve achievement among resistant learners.

  8. The Common Core curriculum is BBBAAADDD for our children. People, please do your homework (research) and challenge this organization trying to implement this curriculum. 7:43 AM is right. Ask the people in the State of South Carolina how they feel about cc.

  9. Most of the problems begin in the home, kids with educated parents are always going to be two steps ahead of children of low intelligence parents. You can throw all the money at it and call it what ever you want, many kids do fine in one parent households, however, they are exceptions to the rule. Early interaction with knowledge is a love that keeps giving.

  10. Common core is the down grade of our educational system. This has been done to help minorities get passing grades. Damn shame , we have stooped to the lowest level in the world , The U.S. is now at the bottom.

  11. 7:43 common core does not hurt minority children. the minority parents that teach them no values or personal responsibilities at home hurt minority children.


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