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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Today's Survey Question 4-10-14

"Since alcohol RUINS so many lives shouldn't we ban TV commercials for it just like we did with cigarettes?"


  1. Yes, we should. Peppering our kids and young adults with cute (the Budwieser frogs) and even heartwarming (the Budweiser Clydesdales) TV ads puts messages in their heads that last into adulthood. The message is only a one liner: Drinking is going to make your life better and more fun.
    And think about this, if we don't pull the reins in on alcohol advertising, when will we see commercially grown and packaged marijuana advertisements once the laws are relaxed? Big Tobacco has been waiting in the wings for decades with their plan to corner the legalized weed market, and TV advertising is just the ticket.

  2. Blame the bottle, not the person. Blame the gun, not the shooter. Blame the casino, not the idiot.

    That's a main tenant of liberalism, no one is to blame for their own sins. I hate cigarettes so I don't smoke them. I like a drink or two but that's all I drink. I like my guns bit I don't go around killing people.

    So there.

  3. With 2.5 million deaths worldwide each year by illness and misadventure by alcohol misuse, and trillions of dollars in related costs, not to mention the "collateral damage" to innocents, why do we still allow it to be promoted so heavily and indiscriminately?
    Is it just the money?

  4. I can never understand the hypocrisy of these so called concerned parents, who feel compelled to get offended over 2nd hand smoke, but haven't any concern over something such as alcohol which kills more children in a day, then cigarettes have ever.
    Alcohol kills more adults as well, and when it's hinted to raise the alcohol tax, these so called concerned parents get in an uproar over another tax.
    And you gotta love, the cigarette tax pays for the healthcare of smokers. Oh the fools that fall for this are enough to make smart people throw up. Alcohol causes more health problems and costs tax payers more money than all the other vices combined.

  5. Well how the hell is putting a fence around a tree going to stop a giraffe from eating the leaves?

    1. Put the fence far enough from the tree.

  6. Why don't you idiots just push for the ban of TV? It's called human judgement. Try teaching your kids some. Y'all somehow feel watching a couple of queers on TV or in public is just fine yet you are horrified that alcoholic beverages are in plain view.

  7. I don't think anyone's calling for any bans 11:36. More like the hypocrisy of it all is being pointed out. For instance those that don't smoke are real good at preaching the health, safety and cost issues surrounding smoking all the while with a drink in their hand.

  8. YES! Ban alcohol while we're at it.

  9. Yes. Ban advertising for alcohol, oh... and twinkies and snack cakes. And sodas, yeah, sodas, and oh never mind. Let's just ban TV's.

    Pure lunacy.

  10. Liberal Idiots.. ban the booze commercials and legalize pot... Really?

  11. Why don't we ban men from going into the ladies restroom. Well yeah, unless he is feeling like a woman at the time.

  12. Most people on here have cable and cable channels even show liquor ads…oh the horror of it all.

  13. Using the same logic, then we should ban all Democrat National Committee and local Democrat political ads.
    Democrats have ruined more lives that cigarettes and alcohol combined.

  14. Yes, and while we're banning things, ban all the commericals for women's hygiene products. We don't need to know any more about tampons, thank you anyway.

  15. Don't ban anything! Suck it up and take responsibility for your own actions...NO ONE IS TWISTING YOUR ARM!!!!

  16. Since cars "cause" so many accidents...

    Wake up, and realize that in every equation, there is only ONE common denominator.

    Can anyone guess the answer?


    Any personal responsibility in the room?

    1. {raises hand nervously}

      Uh, um..........people.

  17. I say we ban Progressive Liberal Democrats and their sanctimony related to anything capitalistic

  18. They did ban hard alchohol for a long time but beleive they are back on tv now.


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