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Wednesday, April 02, 2014

The Problem Is Liberalism, Not Racism

When Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif, went off on Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis, for his remarks that “We have got a tailspin of culture, in our inner cities in particular, of men not working and just generations of men not even thinking about working or learning the value and the culture of work,” the wrong part what she had to say got all the attention.

The big buzz that Congressional Black Caucus member Lee generated was her accusation that Ryan’s remarks were a “thinly veiled racial attack.”

But the part of her remarks I found most interesting was “…Mr. Ryan should step up and produce some legitimate proposals on how to tackle poverty and racial discrimination in America.”

Paul Ryan has been one of the most creative and courageous policy thinkers in Washington in recent years.



  1. Liberalism is a mental illness/disease. Corrupt Big Pharma could make BILLIONS coming up with a pill for that!

  2. Liberalism. Yes, it's the symptom, but the real problem is the blatant stupidity of people that can not be educated.

  3. Oh ho hum. Tired of hearing about "racism." When the dumb clucks are hit with the truth the only comeback they have is to cry "racism."
    I heard a good one the other day. Black children are afraid of police officers and run when they see them. Using this logic should white people be afraid of blacks, after all they are the ones who are disproportionally committing the most crime? If you say this they will scream "racism" because the truth is a stranger to the race baiters.

  4. They can shove their racism where the sun doesn't shine. The black race is a shambles. Is it racism that's causing blacks to kill each other in record numbers or racism causing Baby Momma to reproduce at record numbers illegitimate children she can't take care of? It's a joke and they have no one to blame but themselves. The proof lies in their support of Obama. Anyone who supports that abomination hasn't a moral bone in their body and all the problems within the black communities are moral related. They talk a good game about being Christians and go to church but they are only fooling themselves. A person of God and Faith would not ever support Obama.

  5. 10:56 WELL SAID!!

  6. Whenever the truth is told and exposed, Libs claim racism.

    It's like filling a water balloon and not stopping the water when it's full. Just a matter of time until the obvious happens!


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