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Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Paranoid Madness of the Democratic Party

The Democrat may no longer believe in God, the Constitution or even motherhood and apple pie, but he devoutly believes that somewhere out there Republicans are sitting in a sealed room and plotting to bring back the 50s.

And if not the 50s, then at least the early 60s.

The left accuses the right of being deeply paranoid. Meanwhile the left is convinced that every Republican sneeze is a racial putdown of America’s first black president since Bill Clinton.

Forget about looking for Communists under every bed. The proper progressive never lies down with his or her partner of choice and their government mandated birth control from the Catholic institution with no choice in the matter without first checking their privilege and checking for conservative bigotry.


1 comment:

  1. People of the United States , our government rest on public opinion. Whoever can change public opinion , can change our government.
    Agreeable or disagreeable , whether this shall be an entire slave nation , is the issue before us.
    Don't interfere with anything in the Constitution . This must be maintained , for it is the only safeguard of our liberties. Not to Democrats alone , but to all who love these great and true principles.


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