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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Texas Cop Trips, Pushes Students During Victory Celebration

A police officer in Texas has been placed on paid leave after a video surfaced showing him tripping and pushing high school students who were rushing onto a soccer field to celebrate a state championship.

George Bermudez is facing an internal affairs investigation after the cell phone video was posted on YouTube by a student. Furious parents then started calling the Georgetown Police Department.


  1. He's a CRIMINAL. Why is he being paid? This is assault, assault with a deadly weapon, aggravated assault as well as child abuse! Whatever call it, it's his job to protect life and safety of citizens and he clearly is in violation of his oath in a very egregious way.
    The parents and victims should be demanding charges, not an internal investigation where his thin blue line drinking buddies will clear him after laughing at the video for 15 minutes.

  2. I am sure they will say the students were trespassing. Which in this guys mind means he can do whatever he wants.

    There are other cops there and none of them were slapping kids around. Paid leave my a$$.

  3. Anonymous said...
    He's a CRIMINAL. Why is he being paid? This is assault, assault with a deadly weapon, aggravated assault as well as child abuse! Whatever call it, it's his job to protect life and safety of citizens and he clearly is in violation of his oath in a very egregious way.
    The parents and victims should be demanding charges, not an internal investigation where his thin blue line drinking buddies will clear him after laughing at the video for 15 minutes.

    April 22, 2014 at 8:59 PM

    Our resident cop hater rears his ugly head!!

  4. 1:49 and I see our resident village idiot showed up too.

  5. Who hates cops? Looks to me like 8:59 is calling out someone that is breaking the law and assaulting children. I guess that is what 1:49 does and approves of and must be the resident sociopath!

  6. Our resident cop hater rears his ugly head!!

    April 23, 2014 at 1:49 AM

    No, it wasn't me. It just someone else whose eyes have been opened. Keep laughing.


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