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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Snow On My Roof In Mid April, Seriously?

That's right, it SNOWED last night and here's proof. Like you, I watched the local news last night and saw how this might be possible on the western shore but nowhere near the eastern shore.  


  1. Snow at our house too, in town Salisbury.
    I can't believe I have to scrape my car .

  2. Well not wanting to sound like one of the old timers but it did snow one year on May 15th. I remember it well as I put all my indoor plants outside - talk about weird

  3. In 50 years Joe can tell his great great grandchildren he had snow in late April.

  4. Joe, This same date in 1956 I was in Bainbridge Naval Boot Camp marching on the field in 1956. Long time ago. But it snowed then too.

  5. Thanks to Jerry at Parkside High's plant nursery for sending me an email warning to cover or bring tender plants in last night.


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