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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Shoe thrown at Hillary Clinton during Vegas speech

LAS VEGAS – A woman was taken into federal custody Thursday after throwing a shoe at Hillary Clinton as the former Secretary of State began a Las Vegas convention keynote speech.

The incident happened moments after Clinton took the stage before an Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries meeting at the Mandalay Bay resort.

Clinton ducked, and she did not appear to be hit by the object. She then joked about it.

"Is that somebody throwing something at me? Is that part of Cirque de Soleil?" Clinton quipped.



  1. That is awesome news!!

  2. Should have thrown cow patties, something that would splatter nicely.

  3. She was at the right convention , she is nothing more than a recycled person consisting of reused trash , like her husband.

  4. Yet, they make a fortune...

  5. Should have struck her in her lying mouth.

  6. And idiots keep filling the Clinton's pockets to the max!


  7. Everything about her is scripted.

    Would not be a surprise to find the thrower has links to progressive/socialist/democrat groups.

    Claim was that thrower circumvented security. IIRC protection for ex-presidents extends to their spouses also.

    Doesn't pass the smell test.

  8. Just showing off her knowledge of French...

  9. I'm a female registered democrat. I do not like Hillary Clinton. I'm glad the shoe thrown at Hillary did not hit her. However, someone finally showed Hillary and the rest of this country, We Don't Want Her. People, let's not make another first in history for this country if Hillary run for the presidency. This will be another MISTAKE.


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