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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Sebelius Resignation A Nightmare for Democrats

On Thursday, less than two weeks after telling the press she was going to "stick around," HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced her resignation from the Obama Administration. The announcement caught Washington by surprise, as the chattering class had only recently convinced itself that the troubles for the health care law were in the rear-view mirror. The resignation, though, now triggers two words that could prove a nightmare for Democrats and their hope to stave off disaster in November: "Confirmation Hearing".

When the Sebelius resignation was announced, the White House indicated it would nominate OMB Director Sylvia Burwell to be the next HHS Secretary. Burwell seems a relatively competent technocrat, having held senior positions in the Clinton Administration and in the private sector at McKinsey and the Bill Gates and Wal-Mart foundations. Senators may question her, however, about her role in ordering parks and monuments closed during the government shutdown last year.



  1. this was a topic discussed last night over beers... one jaded liberal said KS should have been fired before all of this..

    I wish I could have asked him if that would have changed Obama's irresponsible lies that have hurt so many Americans?...

    but he would not have heard me -people like that cannot hear a thing that anyone else has to say

  2. Good riddance; only 3,000 to go...

  3. The rats are abandoning ship before it goes down.


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