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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Searching For The Big One

With the weather breaking we headed to Ocean City to do some fishing for a few days. There's nothing better then a fresh flounder slow cooked on the grill.


  1. Enjoy it Joe, hopefully with all the rumbles from the bikes they won't scare away the fish.

    Will you be attending the Salisbury Festival?

  2. 9:04, Thanks. We are in West Ocean City on Herring Creek. The bikes won't bother us one bit.

    I will not be attending the Salisbury Festival. Well, it's not in my plans but you never know.

    Here's the question for all of you. When they sell the big parking lot, where will they hold the Festival then? So you know, I hear they are entertaining an offer on that lot.

  3. Since they would probably want to keep it in the city I would say they would move it back to one of SU's many properties (it started at SU). They have plenty of open fields available.

    Honestly I would prefer it be there rather than having to look at all the trash floating in the Wicomico while enjoying my meal.

  4. Gay and Proud Democratic Obama VoterApril 24, 2014 at 12:56 PM

    What? Fishing? Fishes have feelings too....I will stop this stuff....I am calling Obama!

  5. joe, were you lucky enough to catch one?


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