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Monday, April 07, 2014

Rookie Cop DESTROYED By Citizen On Open Carry Gun Law



  1. This proves nothing except some moron can walk down the street in a residential area acting like a tough guy wearing 2 side arms like an idiot.

  2. 5PM sorry you see it that way.

  3. So the guy doing the video recording, is walking down the street openly carrying a gun.....and another citizen sees this guy walking the streets carrying the gun, and calls the police....and the guy with the camera doesn't think it's prudent for the police to question him?

    I think the policeman showed great restraint.

  4. The policeman should have showed restraint because the fellow with the guns was doings nothing wrong. This stuff really drives liberals crazy, we need more of it. The big cop actually had a brain!

  5. Hey Joe I see you have a lot of sheep on your page now some people are very uneducated about the Constitution and the rights of the common man these Libtards will see and learn how precious to rights are when they are taking away from him

  6. This post has NOTHING to do with the Constitution 11:09. It has everything to do with common sense. These days anyone walking around with a couple of side arms showing openly is going to draw attention. Just wish if he's so starved for attention he would just paint his hair pink and wear a clown suit.

  7. 7:55am...you're correct.

    The nutcase with the camera was purposely trying to bait the police officer into a confrontation. That much was obvious.

    The guy with the video camera was seeking attention, and failed to get the reaction from the police officer he was hoping for.

  8. I don't know which video some of you were watching but the cop is the one who had a problem. He obviously doesn't know the law as it is legal to record police. And when the other cop showed up he told the man he could be on his way. It shows these young cops are confrontational, need training and instruction of the law.


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