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Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Research: Maryland City Ranks As One Of Most Obese in U.S.

WASHINGTON -- One Maryland city may need to cut out some calories after new research ranked it among the most obese cities in the United States.

Hagerstown, Md., ranked No. 3 on a list of most obese cities with an obesity rate of more than 36 percent.

The data, collected from January 2012 through December 2013, included Americans' self-reported height and weight to calculate Body Mass Index scores.

BMI scores of 30 or higher are considered obese.


  1. I can't speak for anyone else,but when I sit around the house I sit AROUND the house.

  2. whole food, plant based diet! Works every time!

  3. Odd that H-town can be so fat yet Salisbury, in the same state, can be so lean and health-conscious

  4. 8:54 No way. The long term effects of a plant based diet is inconclusive. Everyone I know, who's vegan, looks like utter hell. These studies are whack, anyway. Going off of BMI is not a good way to judge this. My BMI is over 30, yet, I sit at 5.6% body fat, measured in a chamber. Yeah, I'm obese.

  5. It is the metro area that includes Martinsburg. It is not accurate to say Hagerstown is the 3rd fattest.


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