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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Reid Smelling Anything But Rosy In Ranch Fight

Desert showdown blows lid off long-standing plans with the Chinese

When Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy refused to take his cattle off land the federal government demanded for the habitat of an endangered desert tortoise, it focused the nation’s attention on an arena Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., may have preferred to be kept quiet.

An investigative report published last week by Infowars.com drew a connection between Senate Majority Leader Reid’s involvement with Chinese energy giant ENN, Chinese efforts to build massive solar facilities in the Nevada desert and the showdown between Bundy and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, or BLM.

It wasn’t the first report to notice curious dealings involving the Chinese and America’s top Democrats.



  1. Snips from a BLM document date 3-26-2014 titled the "Northeast Clark County Cattle Trespass. This was removed from the BLM site (by the most transparent admin in history-LOL), but still able to be brought by up through Google Cache. It's since been captured and saved and posted on various sites throughout the WWW. It clearly states an interest in solar development may be impacted if cattle aren't removed.

    " Cattle Trespass Impacts

    Cliven Bundy has no legal authority to graze cattle on federal lands in the Gold Butte area, including Lake Mead National Recreation Area. The U.S. District Court of Nevada has permanently enjoined Cliven Bundy's trespass grazing, ordered him to remove his trespass cattle from public lands inside and outside the former Bunkerville Allotment (including from the Lake Mead NRA) before December 2013, and stated the U.S. is entitled to seize and impound any cattle that have not been removed by the judicially imposed off-date and that remain in trespass. A large number of the trespass cattle on the federal lands are feral cattle that can pose a threat to members of the public recreating or traveling over the federal lands. The trespass cattle have also caused damage to private property, as well as to the federal lands and natural resources.
    Examples of Restoration Funding and Viability Impacted
    •A $400,000 matching grant to restore Southwest Willow Flycatcher habitat along the Virgin River from the Walton Family Foundation was withdrawn until the trespass cattle have been removed.
    •A $160,000 Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act project to restore Southwestern Willow Flycatcher has been delayed until trespass cattle are removed.
    •Non-Governmental Organizations have expressed concern that the regional mitigation strategy for the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone utilizes Gold Butte as the location for offsite mitigation for impacts from solar development, and that those restoration activities are not durable with the presence of trespass cattle.
    •The Nevada State Department of Wildlife has built extensive fences to protect state and federal lands protected as the Overton Wildlife Refuge from the trespass cattle."

  2. This round up could not have come at a worse time. It's calving season and many calves surely ended up dying from either exhaustion or being separated from their mothers. If this was so necessary there was no reason why it couldn't have waited.
    I hate democrats and for all I care they can all drop dead. Everyday there is something else coming out that proves more and more that democrats are truly a waste of good air.

  3. 5:20 Harry Reid has no authority to broker Nevada STATE property to the Chinese and exploit land use rights--he is a Senator and a Crook-- as so very often Progressive Democrats are nothing but criminal accessories--

    They talk of Fences --yet they never built the Fences along the Border they promised to build -two faced traitors

  4. "For years, the Obama Administration, through its Department of Homeland Security, has been arming and armoring federal, state and local agencies, allegedly for national security. At the same time, it has made multiple unsuccessful efforts to remove guns en masse from citizens' hands.

    At the Bundy Ranch Showdown, the federal government learned a couple of things: first, that Americans aren't giving up their guns because they know that they are the last line against a tyrannical government; second, that your average American law enforcement agent will not fire upon a group of fellow Americans without a far better reason than a bunch of cows and some baloney about an endangered tortoise; third, that many folks still understand that government gets its authority from the people, not vice versa."

    So true. Taken from the Bundy Ranch blog.

  5. You are right 5:44. Let the Chinese and whomever else buy up all the privately owned and closed down industrial lands to use for these solar boondoogles. There's plenty of private lands available. That won't happen though because then there is no money in that for the politicians from lobbyists like reid's son. Plus the solar companies would have to pay fair market value for the land and not be able to use it for free and that would equate to less or no kickbacks and gifts for the politicians.
    It is becoming apparent more and more everyday that the democratic party is the lowest of the low.

  6. There are issues of hypocrisy with regards to the tortoise argument. When they build some solar plant on the desert in CA they met opposition w/animal rights groups over these tortoises. So the feds agreed to open a conservation center for them. Late last year it was announced they were closing the center and euthanizing the majority of the tortoises. Go figure. There are just no words to describe the ineptness and incompetency of the Obama administration. They lie, they don't know anything, it's that one's fault.

  7. Who's right and who is wrong is less important now than the overreach and heavy handedness of the government.

    Laws are made and enforced with the consent of the governed. When the people withdraw their consent, those laws become null and void.

    When you have government ( agencies, agents, law enforcement,etc.) point weapons of any kind, much less automatic weapons, at Americans, that SHOULD tell you something is amiss.

    This government and agencies are built to protect Americans and their interests, not to kill or oppress Americans.

    When they run amuck and do not follow the will of the people, we not only have the right, but the DUTY to remove the power and authority we gave them.

    Most people are now living in FEAR of what they created.

    Good for the Bundy's to make such a stand and the people who responded and supported them.

    It must continue even after the Bundy's situation is resolved. People are waking up, saying enough is enough and showing the government who actually has the power, and this scares the hell out of them.

    As well it should.


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