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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Rand Paul: Bundy Siege is Why Americans Are Getting Angry With Federal Government


  1. I thought conservatives didn't like people who wanted free things from the government without paying their fair share... Bundy is a freeloader, a thief, a liar and a treasonist.

  2. Harry Reid is a freeloader, a thief, a liar, and a treasonist. But that doesn't make him a good person...

  3. Your mother raised a fool 7:27. You ought to be ashamed of her. She failed you miserably. Bundy paid up until he saw the government taking away more and more of his rights, so he stopped paying out of principle. He saw not only his livelihood, but those of others being taken away and he stood his ground.
    He is a hero. People like you 7:27, are a problem. If the government told you to eat crap, you would do it unquestioningly.

  4. Rest assured 7:27 you and the majority of the herd who follow blindly and without question and who so willingly surrender their rights and freedoms will NEVER understand just what motivates Mr. Bundy and those that support him. Slowly and surely the Federal Government has increased in size, power, and reach since the days it had to beg private citizens for money to operate. It has become an oppressive monster...the proverbial "800 lbs gorilla" if you will. The PEOPLE, who consented to be governed when the Constitution was ratified, could never have imagined the scope of what was to come. I do not profess an utter hate of government, but enough is enough. It's time to restore the Federal Government to what it was INTENDED to be...an outward representative of the American people...not an inward oppressor.

  5. Wow! 7:27 really struck a nerve!I can't even get that kind of a reaction from commenters and that's saying a lot.How dare you be entitled to your opinion 7:27!

  6. 11:58-7:27 didn't strike a nerve. They were questioning what they "thought" about conservatives. Some felt 7:27 needed a reality check on what they "thought" was the conservative perspective on the issue. Of course they are entitled to their opinion, but they also needed to be put in their place on what they "thought" was the conservative stance.
    Just think of it in terms of 7:27's needs schooling on how things are and not how they think things they are. They were educated today.

  7. 11:58 AM When you state your opinion publicly you open yourself up to peer review. It looks like the peer group thinks 7:27 is a blind follower. They type of people that oppress others and then blame it on the policy instead of looking at their fellow man on equal terms and deciding for themselves what is right and wrong.


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