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Monday, April 21, 2014

Photos That Mean Something

Attitude tells a lot about a person.

1.If a hug is needed, don't be shy!

No one appreciates a firm handshake more than a soldier. 

 2. If they prefer not to shake hands…
…then a chest bump will do.

Just make sure you do a duck face afterward so 
they can laugh at you.
3. Admire their medals. They were hard-earned.

4. Always treat their families with great respect.
They have been through more than you could imagine.

5. Laugh with them!
Laughter is a medicine that works 102% of the time.
6. It’s important that you treat a soldier
the way you would treat your own family.

7. If you know a soldier, call them on the 4th of July.

It will make their day!
8. Or you can Skype them.   

9. Each soldier has an amazing story.

10. Listen.
Listening is often the best gift you can give someone.
11. Give them a hug!
Soldiers love getting hugged because most of them
are big softies deep down.

12. Do a sport with them.

Soldiers love being active.
13. Make sure you are respectful.
14. Serve them a big dinner if you can. Lots of meat.
15. But if you only have a minute, look them square in the eye…
And say, “Thank you.”
We promise you they will appreciate it.
God Bless America !
Very heartwarming....

Have you seen any photos like these in the last 6 years?


  1. Man I really do miss President Bush.

    It makes me sick to think you idiots voted for that damn illegal alien from Kenya. Everyone that voted for Obama needs a bullet between there eyes for being a traitor.

    After Obama this country will never be the same again.

  2. George Bush wasn't my favorite, but he and Laura were real class acts compared to the ghetto trash we have now.

  3. 610am yeah yeah, "vote like me, or die" How american of you

  4. How I now regret making some of my remarks during his time.

  5. 6:10am...you're correct that Obama is going down as one of the worst Presidents. However, I don't wish him or anyone that voted for him any harm.

    Bush was a class act. He wasn't perfect and he made mistakes, but what he did, he did so in what he thought was the best interest of the country. He was, and still is, a humble man.

  6. As a member of the military during Bush's presidency, I had great respect for him because it was obvious that he ha great respect and appreciation for us. Never understood why so many disliked him. I'd go back and swear in for another 4 years just to oust our Dicktator and get Bush back.

  7. Better be careful you might see old Billy boy back.

  8. I hate a handshake that feels like a limp wet dishrag. I would just as soon not even shake anyones hand that does that.

  9. If the democrats had listened to Pres Bush, we wouldn't be in this economic mess. To say that Obama inherited it from Pres Bush is the biggest fallacy (lie) pulled over the eyes of the uninformed ever.
    It was actually Clinton who put the wheels in motion for a recession by expanding the Community Reinvestment Act.
    Pres Bush famously warned Fannie and Freddie were in trouble, wanted hearings and possible reform, but the dems in their ultimate wisdom said things like Pres Bush was against poor people and Frank's famous "Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are not facing any kind of financial crisis" and Pres Bush and the GOP were shot down but the democrat controlled congress.
    These were sub prime, risky loans given to people who in plain English couldn't afford them. This subprime crisis is what put the US economy into the recession. I could elaborate, but I know for most Sby News readers I am speaking to the choir and any liberal peeking in hasn't the intellectual capability to understand what I am talking about anyway. You can fix ignorant.

  10. I'm telling you, if you want to get rid of a democrat fast, ask them to name one democratic policy that's been successful or one positive thing Obama's done.
    This is very useful information to know, especially since this is election season and they or their minions will be knocking on doors. What you can also do is hang a sign saying "Don't Bother Knocking if you are a Democrat" but if you prefer not to do that just ask them the above questions and they will run like hell away from you.


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