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Tuesday, April 01, 2014

People In Alaska Are The Best Tippers, People In Delaware The Worst

Sure, Internet comment threads seem to be evenly split between generous tippers and people who resent the practice, but what about the population at large? Credit card payment service Square analyzed their transaction data and found some interesting patterns in tipping by state. We don’t want to draw any wider conclusions, but we’re also giving Delaware a sidelong glance.

You might associate Square with only small businesses, since it’s an app-based payment service that allows pretty much anyone to accept credit cards. Businesses like taxis, repair services, food trucks, and restaurants that all might receive tips all use Square for payments. They calculated which states’ transactions have the largest proportion that include tips at all, and also the average tip percentage by state.



  1. I may put a purchase on the card, but I always tip in cash. It's more appreciated that way.

  2. Same here, live in Delaware and I always use cash for the tip. I was a waitress and bartender and some places used to rip us off if the tips were on the credit card receipt.


  3. When we're about 3/4 of the way through our meal I put a large denomination bill on the table.Funny how waitresses or waiters almost overwhelm us with attention over the remaining 10 minutes or so.I then remove the large bill from the table and replace it with a $5 bill for the actual tip when we are ready to leave.

  4. The worst tipper I ever worked with was a brother that was hired help from Richmond VA. I was embarrassed and would leave the rest to make 15%.


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