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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Over 40,000 voters are registered in both Virginia and Maryland, group finds

A crosscheck of voter rolls in Virginia and Maryland turned up 44,000 people registered in both states, a vote-integrity group reported Wednesday.

And that’s just the beginning.

“The Virginia Voters Alliance is investigating how to identify voters who are registered and vote in Virginia but live in the states that surround us,” Alliance President Reagan George told the State Board of Elections.

George acknowledged that the number of voters who actually cast multiple ballots is relatively small. In the case of Maryland and Virginia, he revealed that 164 people voted in both states during the 2012 election.



  1. Come to think of it, I have lived in 5 states, and registered in all of them. I never thought to vote more than once, but that's just me.

  2. Just more evidence of the rampant voter fraud that turned the election, right? LOL, got to love all the folks who get riled up about the issue but their view never quite matches the evidence

  3. Maybe I'll just vote 5 times this election, then, 724! There's no fines or jail time if you get caught! Just ask Wendy Rosen!


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