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Friday, April 25, 2014

OK, Now I Know Why They Wear Helmets While Driving Down The Road


  1. Trying to dis-rail a train?

  2. Tell me they are not serious!

  3. WOW.

    Just WOW.

    Has anyone found the Department brain yet?

  4. UHH HEY GUYS,you may want to rethink what you have just done.

  5. SFD on the scene!

  6. where was picture taken


  7. Why did the chicken cross the railroad?

    If you're gonna be a hoser, use protection.

  8. This is freakin' hysterical, LMAO! Unless a train comes, in which it will be anything but funny. Is there no hydrant on that side of the tracks?

  9. Anonymous said...

    Just WOW.

    Has anyone found the Department brain yet?

    April 25, 2014 at 6:41 PM

    Yes, Rick Hoppes thinks he is the Department Brain with his use of big words he can't even define.

  10. I was a volunteer fireman for 20 yrs. with one of the local depts. In that period I witnessed enough ignorance to load Capt.Philips container ship.
    The real thorn was to watch the damage inflicted by the F.D. the fires I attended didn`t cause. I witnessed holes sawed in roofs that had gable windows. I saw axes used to smash car windows at accidents in which the automobiles had little or no damage. I could go on and on.
    Anytime the company got a new toy they couldn`t wait to wreak havoc on people already in a crisis situation by destroying what they could in the name of fire-fighting. They tout their training as somekind of shield when they get dressed down for their actions and I was even asked to lie about the real circumstances I witnessed while they were acting SO childish.
    In closing, I got my 20 yr. pin and bid them farewell and haven`t stepped into the firehouse since. They don`t miss me nor I them for obvious reasons. I was ashamed to admit to the general public I was ever a member.What I see in this picture doesn`t surprize me a bit. When you see the Salisbury Fire Dept. riding in a $400,000.00
    fire truck to get their lunch in Delmar, Stop one of them and ask him to give you a play by play on how this demonstrates his and Rick Hoppes PROFESSIONAL training!

  11. Anonymous said...
    I was a volunteer fireman for 20 yrs. with one of the local depts. In that period I witnessed enough ignorance to load Capt.Philips container ship.
    The real thorn was to watch the damage inflicted by the F.D. the fires I attended didn`t cause. I witnessed holes sawed in roofs that had gable windows. I saw axes used to smash car windows at accidents in which the automobiles had little or no damage. I could go on and on.
    Anytime the company got a new toy they couldn`t wait to wreak havoc on people already in a crisis situation by destroying what they could in the name of fire-fighting. They tout their training as somekind of shield when they get dressed down for their actions and I was even asked to lie about the real circumstances I witnessed while they were acting SO childish.
    In closing, I got my 20 yr. pin and bid them farewell and haven`t stepped into the firehouse since. They don`t miss me nor I them for obvious reasons. I was ashamed to admit to the general public I was ever a member.What I see in this picture doesn`t surprize me a bit. When you see the Salisbury Fire Dept. riding in a $400,000.00
    fire truck to get their lunch in Delmar, Stop one of them and ask him to give you a play by play on how this demonstrates his and Rick Hoppes PROFESSIONAL training!

    April 26, 2014 at 12:12 PM

    It took Rick Hoppes more than a life time to get a degree and a fake one at that to claim he was qualified to be a fire chief. An online fake degree and he waited forever. How embarrassing for the fat lazy moron. I bet his kids are proud of him.


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