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Saturday, April 12, 2014

OC Bus Likely To Eliminate $1-Per-Ride Fare

OCEAN CITY – During a Transportation Department budget hearing this week, several changes were discussed within the department, starting with eliminating the $1-per-boarding fare on Ocean City’s buses and returning to a ride-all-day fare.

In February 2011, the bus fare was increased from $2 ride-all-day to $3 ride-all-day, or $1 per boarding. The Fiscal Year 2015 budget calls for eliminating the $1 per-boarding option, resulting in additional projected bus revenue of about $492,814 over the FY14 projected revenue, and reducing the required General Fund contribution from about $1.9 million to $1.37 million.

A public hearing will be held on April 15 before the Mayor and City Council to receive public input. If approved, the $1 per-boarding fare will be eliminated altogether, leaving only one option for Ocean City’s bus fare — a $3 ride-all-day pass starting the morning of Friday, May 23.


1 comment:

  1. With the increase in minimum wage the poor hotel and restaurant workers can afford the fare increase. What one part of government gives the other takes away. Good job OC take care of the workers.


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