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Thursday, April 03, 2014

Obama Administration Admits Use Of "Warrantless Searches" Of US Citizens

Just over a month ago, we reported on the Supreme Court's ruling that police may search a home without obtaining a warrant thus denigrating the Fourth Amendment to the funeral pyre under the Obama Administration's totalitarian might. Today that decision (and the end of the 4th) were confirmed when the country's top intelligence official confirmed in a letter to Congress that the Obama administration has conducted warrantless searches of Americans' communications as part of the National Security Agency's surveillance operations. While efforts were made to suggest agencies do not deliberately track Americans' emails, phone calls, and online activity without a warrant, as Sen. Wyden notes, "the facts show that was misleading."


1 comment:

  1. Free speech? Freedom of the Press? Freedom of religion? Freedom of assembly and protest? Freedom to bear arms? The right not to be deprived of life without due process of law? The right to be secure in our "persons, houses, papers, and effects" (THATS a QUOTE, by the way, from the Bill of Rights), the right to be confronted by the witnessess against you, the right to a speedy and PUBLIC trial, and the other rights we have have been absolutely and totally erased. To argue otherwise is to admit your ignorance of current events and legal decisions, and confirm your dedication to our march toward totalitarianism.
    The ones who have opposed the disintegration of these rights have been drowned out by the multitudes of "goot cidizens", anxious to prove their loyalty and civic comittment by cheering everything done to trash the freedoms so many truly good citizens have died for....
    For all the good you think it will do you in the end, keep cheering.
    Ask some old German citizens how it turned out for THEM (cheering THEIR demise (disguised as nationalistic fervor). And then, ignore what they say --- it won't fit your delusion that it's all for your own good.
    So, cheer on....heartily.
    May God help us.....


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