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Friday, April 11, 2014

New Store On The Downtown Plaza Coming Soon

I'm told they'll be ready to open in about a month. This is a new Gift Shop with all kinds of cool items. It's absolutely perfect for the Plaza. 


  1. I see the SU art gallery across from the GOB is closed down. They were never open anyway...Just some lipstick on a pig somebody got tired of keeping up with.

  2. They can have their grand opening and going out of business sale in the same month..

  3. Hope they provide the sale people with bullet proof vests, so when the cops start shooting again all the misses will not kill them!

  4. we have a new store opening up and all we have is a bunch of losers griping as usual.get a life and maybe a job and you might find yourself much happier...good luck to the new store,

  5. 9:38, You should see the comments I've rejected so far.

    All you have to do is think about it for a minute. WHO has all the time to sit around and make negative comments all day and night, KNOWING they are going to get rejected. Need I say more?

  6. Retail success requires actual customers.Argue that.

  7. Is there free parking?

  8. Give us free parking, and you will be competitive with all the other stores in town. Otherwise, we have to shop elsewhere... sorry, but reality plays a part here.

    Did you know that the whole parking revenue vs. receipts in Salisbury actually COSTS the taxpayers money each year? That's right, it's a LOSING business every year run by the City,and it stifles your customer base to boot!

    Just go to the City Website and look at it in the budget!


    But, you go ahead and open up there...

  9. The reality is sadly the shore isn't going to comeback.... not today...not tomorrow.....maybe never.......I don't wish anything but successes for these folks but the reality is they won't make six months.


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