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Sunday, April 13, 2014

New Feature Added To Salisbury News, "LIKE"

If you look at the bottom of each article we have now added the "LIKE" button to each article. We had been asked for quite some time to add this feature but being somewhat challenged, (lol) I couldn't figure it out. Thanks to a good GEEK friend we were able to add the feature and we look forward to seeing if you guys actually use it. 

There are a LOT of incredible articles coming tomorrow. We'll have an investigative and exclusive article tomorrow at 9:00 AM in which we plan on delivering each Monday at 9 exposing the frivolous spending in the County Executives Office as well as the Board of Education. 

Have a great evening and Posts start again at 12:00 AM Monday. 


  1. is it me or does it take longer for this page to load?

  2. Oh my god! This new feature has us confused. We hate anything new. How could you do this to us?

  3. Could you put up a dislike button as well?

  4. I like the format but hard to like something. But I love where u r going. map

  5. Love your new format! It is easier for old eyes to read. Keep up the good work !

  6. Maybe you can include the like option to individual comments?

  7. 9:55PM
    Yes, I've noticed it too. It is taking longer for the page to load.


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