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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Nevada officials blast feds over treatment of cattle rancher Cliven Bundy

Two of Nevada’s top elected leaders are riding to the rescue of a rancher whose decades-long range war with the federal government has reached a boiling point in recent days.

The federal Bureau of Land Management has surrounded the Clark County ranch of Cliven Bundy with armed officers, helicopters and four-wheel drive vehicles. Last week, they began seizing cattle found grazing on adjacent federal lands in violation of a law meant to protect an endangered desert tortoise.



  1. what I want to know is, can we eat those turtles? Are they better than beef?

  2. All over a turtle? I'd be eating some turtle soup, before calling feds that one was on my property.

  3. Too bad these govt jerks don't show the same enthusiasm about protecting the nation's borders.

  4. This is NOT about turtles. It's all about the deal Harry Reid made with communist China to build a solar farm and a communist chinese community on 5000 acres of land sold to them at way below market value. Bundy is the last holdout rancher that won't sell his land and move his cattle. If you're buying into the desert tortoise story you really need to look beyond Salisbury News for further information.


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