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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Nebraska School’s ‘Ludicrous’ Advice for Bullying Victims Sparks Parent Outrage — Read the 9 Rules Here

Fifth grade students at Zeman Elementary School in Lincoln, Neb., were recently sent home with a “flyer” outlining how they should handle bullies. The instructions were apparently deemed so ridiculous by parents that the school district quickly issued an apology and the “inaccurate information” was pulled.

That was after the nine “rules” for dealing with bullies went viral, of course.

Here are some of the more questionable ones:

• Rule #3 Do not be afraid.
• Rule #4: Do not verbally defend yourself.
• Rule #7: Do not tell on bullies.
• Rule #8: Don’t be a sore loser
• Rule #9: Learn to laugh at yourself and not get “hooked” by put-downs.


  1. Who ever approved this needs their butts whooped and they need to be bullied. Don't tell on the ones who give the a whooping.

  2. This is what the liberals want you to do as they bully you with their agenda!

  3. Let's just teach the kids to behave badly. I was actually raised by my parents so I knew better.

  4. Bully/// One who is isolated in his own fear and condemnation. Possibly bullied at home. Left alone to his own devises (not taught love) he is surely doomed to self destruct.

    Lets hope he doesn't take out others on his way out.


  5. Rule 10. Replace the administrators responsible for this nonsense!

  6. There only needs to be one rule.
    I was bullied mercilessly in the 7th grade by one guy. He'd knock me down and steal my money pretty much on a regular basis.
    One day, after getting up from the ground, I lost my head and punched him in the face. I broke his nose.
    It was the last time that bully - or ANY bully - ever took advantage of me.
    Rule #1: Punch him in the nose.
    Trust me, it works.


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