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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Muir Boda - Wicomico County Council At Large - Could Make Big Difference

Muir Boda has caught our editorial staff's attention.  His campaign profile exemplifies the characteristic changes that are needed in order to help propel Wicomico out of its current fiscal Doldrums.  
“When a man spends his own money to buy something for himself, he is very careful about how much he spends and how he spends it. And when a man spends someone else’s money on someone else, he does’t care how much he spends or what he spends it on. And that’s government for you.”  Milton Friedman
At the NAACP candidates forum, our editorial staff noticed that he displayed a vision for self-sufficiency as opposed to an individuals reliance on government.  We believe his opinions exemplifies the traditional American dream. We also concurred on his position in maintaining the Revenue Cap as a safety mechanism for the ordinary taxpayer - an issue that is well grounded by about 72% of our general population voting in favor of. 
  • Assets  - His campaign emphasis is to deter crime.  He believes that stimulating the economy is key to thwarting crime.  His vision is to implement the Wicomico Intiative - a 5 point plan - something no other candidate has offered to date.
  • Personality - He appears to perform well in trying to work with others, while holding the line on individual property rights, and, limiting government growth.
  • Education -  He indicated that he prefers to have an Elected School Board as opposed to an appointed Board.  The elected verses appointed appears to reflect the locals opinions as opposed to being subjected to the vices of a central authority - the Governor.
Conclusion -  We believe he will do well in trying to;

'cement a consensus based on Traditional American Values - of self worth verses Government reliance' (emphasis added by the Editorial staff)

The editorial staff gives Mr. Boda a thumbs-up and wishes him the best in his latest political endeavor.  You can find out more about Muir Boda by visiting his website at: http://boda4council.com/ -(click onto link).

Article Published by SBYnews Editorial Staff


  1. I have heard this guy speak and it seems as though he is a good candidate. His views seem to be reflective of the eastern shore people. I'm going to vote for him.

  2. How do we ensure he doesn't go RINO?

    Certainly talks better than what we have - and had!

  3. Joe, this is a very good article and helps to profile this persons personality assets. I appreciate your keeping the public informed. I'll be looking more closely at this individual.

  4. Well this is very interesting, Salisbury News has now shown us to extremely good political candidates, Marc Kilmer and Muir Boda. And I have noticed that, both, are big in the Economic Development arena.

  5. Maybe he will bump RINO Matt Holloway in the primary -- let's hope so.

  6. Muir Boda they are electing a house captain at the yacht club. I think the is the only other office you have not ran for.

    I am voting for you because you show that defeat has not killed your spirit and sir that is something you can not teach. Stand by yoor values and never forget who the people are.

  7. Marc Kilmer and Muir Boda, okay SBYNEWS, where's the others? And I happen to agree, that these two are good candidates for office.

  8. We've already had a dose of John Cannon's RINO politics and Matt Holloway is a selfish spoiled brat that is in it for himself. Boda is just about the only At Large candidate worthy of a vote. Kilmer is a good choice. Why can't districts 1 and 4 put up anyone worth having?

  9. Certainly sounds like an interesting Candidate. Thanks Joe for helping to showcase these prospects for political office.

  10. Joe you take the best photographs of anybody I've ever seen. Not only are your nature photos spectacular, but also your people shots.

  11. I like him and if I were able to I would vote for him (Wor Co resident.)
    He leans libertarian, which equates to less government.
    The other very positive trait he has going is he perseveres. He attempted several times to get elected and has failed, but it's a quitter. You really have to be careful of someone who is elected the first time they run and especially when they are elected by a landslide. That's not good. They become confident and their attitude shifts from "what can I do" to "what can they do for ME."

  12. I hope he walks the talk, because if he does, we will all bode well.

  13. known this guy since his first try at running for office. he's as liberal as it gets. he's in bed with the rental owners, and that is one of his major agendas. he's just changed, since he could not win with
    his personality and liberal message.
    stay away from this guy!

  14. He may be in bed with the landlords 3:30 but I'm curious as to his liberal message. I think he's been pretty consistent towards libertarian principles and that platform or at least I've not seen him lean toward the left.

  15. Mr. Boda has the same values now as he had when he ran for city council. Shyness is a big flip flopper.

  16. His speeches certainly don't lean toward the left. If anything they lean to the right. So I do not know what 3:30 is alluding to - unless he is a Democratic plant.

  17. Family values, maintaining the Revenue Cap, self - reliance, these are not Liberal philosophies. So I agree with 4:40 poster.

  18. If it is good enough for Salisbury News, he is good enough for me. I say vote for the guy and give him a chance.

  19. I know him personally and he is not a "progressive". Fiscally he is very conservative and his views are line with Joe Holloway who I think is a great guy.

  20. Joe, he knocked on my door the other day in Fruitland with Carl Anderton from Delmar. Two great guys out trying to make a difference. These two have great ideas and they understand that they need each other to get things done here and in Annapolis. Just really cool seeing these two guys campaigning together.

  21. Well, #1, if Carl will allow him at his side, he's OK, and we all know the other fish from their past lib/ dem ignorance, so yeah, why not?

  22. Joe, as always, a true professional analysis. This is as good an indicator that I'll need to make my decision on who to vote for. Great job.


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