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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Mizeur Calls For State Funded Retirement Accounts

Del. Heather Mizeur, who is running for Maryland governor, has proposed a state-run retirement savings program to help workers who don't have retirement plans from their employers.

Mizeur, a Democrat, announced plans Wednesday for promoting the health, safety and security of Maryland's elderly population. She also wants to seek more funds for Alzheimer's research and create a registry of long-term care workers found guilty of abuse.

She estimates that the retirement savings program would become self-sufficient after a $360,000 start-up cost, and would have enough participants to make the user fees lower than alternative plans.


  1. Just what we need.. ANOTHER PONZI scheme (pronounced "Social Security") run by the state so they can "borrow" the money.. Learned this one from the Feds.

  2. Stte funded? Why dont they just say taxpayer funded? what a scum.

  3. and who will pay for it???

  4. Hope she realizes she just committed political suicide. Announced her agenda just at a time when most Maryland tax payers are fighting to put an end to all state funded retirement plans. This is great news … one less Democrat we’ll have around to destroy Maryland!

  5. She looks like a man


  6. MD State employees, including teachers, have been screwed by the mismanagement and sweetheart management deals for their pensions, and they actually have a pension.

    Why would anyone with half a brain let any Maryland entity within a light year of their retirement funds voluntarily?

    It is just grist for the mill so someone will waste a few pixels of camera time on her woeful campaign.

  7. Greedy dimwitcrats looking to create another slush fund to dip into for their use. They have robbed the state employees retirement fund, the transportation fund, union dues fund, rainy day fund etc.
    I am sure they will run this program as well as Lt. Gov. Brown the Clown ran the state healthcare program.

  8. 12:18 - you beat me to it!

  9. Just wondering....Is it a Gender Identity issueApril 17, 2014 at 12:35 PM

    How come she dresses like a man?

  10. I have heard it said many times " liberal" ladies have a tendency for being manly, I have been observing the same.

  11. I'm disappointed by the childish postings about how a candidate looks.

  12. All homosexuals suffer from a mental illness. She clearly gives the impression that she is a man.

  13. 1:02 PM - All bigots suffer from a mental illness: Incurable ignorance.

  14. She makes Karl Marx look like a midget!

  15. Our GOD hates Homo's too....April 17, 2014 at 2:10 PM

    1:22 is a Obama Voter....

  16. That guy in the picture looks a lot like Jim Ireton.

  17. Anonymous said...
    I'm disappointed by the childish postings about how a candidate looks.

    April 17, 2014 at 12:55 PM

    Who gives a crap about what you think you liberal POS Obama voter.

  18. This is Obama's scheme as well everyone will have to turn over their current 401 K's to be re-dispersed to all...of course after their cut.

  19. considering what we have throughout Maryland as Politicos-- we have just learned the name of yet another-- moonstruck lunatic who thinks Governing is income redistribution .. Joe just posted something about the softening of the Housing Market-

    -I need to start making some home improvements on my house and get out of Maryland all together and leave it for the Communist cabal who think they can give anything away --while the Federal Unions keep giving themselves more and more

  20. Bet the teachers dont vote for this buffon....i have a nice house in fruitland for sale near new school district ...leaving commie land ASAP

  21. Nice good Christian comments. I sure Jesus loves you.

  22. Anonymous said...
    Nice good Christian comments. I sure Jesus loves you.

    April 19, 2014 at 8:15 AM

    What a Douche Bag comment. I bet you voted for Obama, not once but twice.

  23. That is one ugly dude! No doubt a Democrat.


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