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Saturday, April 05, 2014

Millions of Americans Forced to Work Part Time

NEW YORK -- The U.S. economy has regained all the private-sector jobs it lost in the Great Recession; it took six years. The Labor Department said Friday thatAmerica added 192,000 jobs in March. The unemployment rate remained 6.7 percent.

After five years of being in and out of work, Tara Dublin found a job a few weeks ago as a hostess at a restaurant in Portland, Ore..

"I've been hired by this restaurant I absolutely love, but it's a part-time position," Dublin says.

She makes $11 an hour, plus tips.

In March, of the 192,000 jobs created, 30,000 were in food services. Restaurants and bars have added 323,000 workers over the past year, but Dublin is earning a fraction of what she used to make.

"The first time I came home and saw a foreclosure notice taped to my front door and my sons saw it, that was a really bad day," Dublin says.


  1. I think it was on CBS news this morning that there are more people participating now! Can you believe it!?!?
    They said that people, that previously dropped out noticed the job market was better and figured, hey what they heck, I am sure I can get a job now, so I think I will get back in the game!

    They actually said this........amazing.

  2. your first clue should have been CBS

  3. I work for a mostly democrat place that is all supported by fed. state and local gov..
    It is unbelievable the money they spend , I'm in my 70's and work part time with them. No productivity , everyone is hiding from any work , supervisors know it and laugh.
    If they are out of line on their budget they will spend more to make it up , sickening .
    They always spend more to get more.


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