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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Martin Armstrong Asks "Do The Feds Really Own The Land In Nevada?"

QUESTION: Is it true that nearly 80% of Nevada is still owned by the Federal Government who then pays no tax to the State of Nevada? This seems very strange if true as a backdrop to this entire Bundy affair.

REPLY: The truth behind Nevada is of course just a quagmire of politics. Nevada was a key pawn in getting Abraham Lincoln reelected in 1864 during the middle of the Civil War. Back on March 21st, 1864, the US Congress enacted the Nevada Statehood statute that authorized the residents of Nevada Territory to elect representatives to a convention for the purpose of having Nevada join the Union. This is where we find the origin of the fight going on in Nevada that the left-wing TV commenters (pretend-journalists) today call a right-wing uprising that should be put down at all costs. The current land conflict in Nevada extends back to this event in 1864 and how the territory of Nevada became a state in order to push through a political agenda to create a majority vote. I have said numerous times, if you want the truth, just follow the money.

The “law” at the time in 1864 required that for a territory to become a state, the population had to be at least 60,000. At that time, Nevada had only about 40,000 people. So why was Nevada rushed into statehood in violation of the law of the day? When the 1864 Presidential election approached, there were special interests who were seeking to manipulate the elections to ensure Lincoln would win reelection. They needed another Republican congressional delegation that could provide additional votes for the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment to abolish slavery. Previously, the attempt failed by a very narrow margin that required two-thirds support of both houses of Congress.



  1. Always 'special interests' around violating the law to get someone reelected.

    Now Harry Reid and his 'special interests' are continuing that tradition.

    He needs to be outed and ousted!

  2. I wonder if liberal Ted Turner gets the same treatment being the largest land owner in the country?

  3. Thanks for posting this. I brought it up in another thread but this gives much needed detail.

  4. If you parse what few facts the media has made available in this ordeal..you will find a private activist group lobbied to have the Government declare the land that has been an open range for Cattle grazing for over 100 years a protected area to provide an environment for the Tortoises who live in the area.

    The activist group is funded by one maniacal Billionaire who manipulates the News ..the Markets ..and whatever Barack Obama does ..said nothing when the Feds started to euthanize the Tortoises to make way for the Billionaire's true desire to redefine the Land in question.

    Harry Reid helped this Billionaire using Stimulus Money to recruit Chinese interest to build an alternative power project on the land.. which whoever owns it is not what the Stimulus was designed for and really given the History of corruption with Hillary and other Democrats using the Chinese for illicit Campaign Funds --warrants full review and a Congressional Inquiry.

    The Bundys were just conducting business as usual..

    the Usual Suspects are doing what they are in power to do.. steal from the people.. financing graft

    They are using a complicit media in advancing both lies and lies of omission in a very Historic Scandal -- probably bigger than Teapot Dome or Watergate -- the truth will come out..and Harry Reid will be the fall guy..if the Feds kill one American down there --there will be Hell to pay for all involved

  5. We the people own that land. And get your damn cows out of my yard bundy.

  6. The land belongs to the STATE. Maybe not on paper yet, but in principle inherent to the first half of the states' deals. Political deals made thereafter must come up to comply to be equal to the deals made with the 13 colonies, and all states thereafter, of they must be left back to be their own Territories.

    Bundy has the right of way here.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    We the people own that land. And get your damn cows out of my yard bundy.

    April 22, 2014 at 2:18 PM

    Go tell them that tough guy

  8. 6:24
    The most important clause in the Nevada Constitution recognizes the supremacy of the federal government; thus, Bundy is violating state law, not just federal law, by his continued encroachment.


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