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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Love And Fire (Accomack County Arsonists)

ACCOMACK COUNTY, Va. — The corn was harvested, and the field was a dirty sort of brown. Deborah Clark would think about that later, how at a different time of year she wouldn’t have seen anything until it was too late.

A friend had come over to her house in Parksley, Va., once the kids from Clark’s living-room day care went home. He left about 10:30 that Monday evening, but a few minutes later knocked on her door again. “Hey,” he told her. “That house across the field is on fire.”

She knew which one he was talking about. It had been a nice house once: two-stories, white paint. But now it was empty and it had a peeled, beaten look to it. It had been a long time since anyone lived there, so she couldn’t think of how it could have caught on fire — except that it was so dry that maybe the weather had something to do with it.



  1. The best story to date on the Accomack Arsons. The Daily Times drops the ball again.

  2. Wow. I couldn't stop reading this story. Very, very well written.

    People can be so troubled, so lost.

  3. Took awhile to read, but great writing. Really draws you in.

  4. A story so well and evenly told that it makes writing a sensationalized book about it a waste of time.

  5. While it's nearly impossible to believe that Tonya didn't have a clue Charlie was setting the fires it's clear he has a manipulative controlling side to him. All the while they are in jail awaiting trial he's sneaking her love letters. And as a true sign of his love, is ratting her out and placing blame directly on her for some of the fires, just to be certain he's not held totally at fault. He's a true psychopath.

  6. There is no excuse for what they both did. They both need to go to jail for a long time. This was an excellent story. A movie deal is just around the corner. The kids will be better off w/o them.

  7. And how about the 18 fires they cant link them to,can there be more people?

  8. Excellent journalism, superb photography.


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