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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Liberal Hatemongers Mad BLM Didn't Attack Bundy Ranch

On Saturday, the Bureau of Land Management backed down in its effort to take cattle belonging to Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy. A number of liberals, however, appeared angry the federal agency didn't attack the ranch in a manner reminiscent of Waco or Ruby Ridge.

"BLM stand your ground take these freeloaders down," one person said on Twitter.

"I hope the President orders the national guard to the #BundyRanch to deal with the terrorist occupying the land w/ a shoot to kill order," another person added.

The sentiment seemed to also be alive and well at some far left-wing websites, like Democratic Underground. According to one post there, so-called "militia bullies" and "tax cheats" forced the BLM to stand down.



  1. The central idea of secession , is the essence of anarchy!
    The time has approached us as we have predicted. This man in charge of our country must be charged with all crimes , we the people , cannot accept his lies and laws that are "NOT" for the people.
    I'm a GOD fearing man and we must apply our liberty skills to rid him of our company.

  2. I'll bet the liberal DEMONCRATS are really pissed off today now that the news is worldwide that Harry Reid is behind all of this. Suffer you rotten bas#@rds, November is coming.

  3. "BLM stand your ground take these freeloaders down," one person said on Twitter."

    "Freeloaders?" Get real. Calling a hard working rancher family "freeloaders" just goes to show the gross ignorance of the left. Democrats are the epitome of "freeloaders." Every if they aren't themselves sponging off the government they support the party so they are equally as guilty.

  4. Listen, children, to a story
    That was written long ago
    About a Kingdom on a mountain
    And a valley folk down below

    On the mountain was a treasure
    Buried deep beneath a stone
    And the valley people swore
    They'd have it for their very own

    Go ahead and hate your neighbor
    Go ahead and cheat a friend
    Do it in the name of heaven
    You can justify it in the end

    But there won't be any trumpets blowing
    Come the judgment day
    On the bloody morning after
    One tin soldier rides away

    So the people of the valley
    Sent a message up the hill
    Asking for the buried treasure
    Tons of gold for which they'd kill

    Came an answer from the Kingdom
    With our brothers, we will share
    All the riches of our mountain
    All the secrets buried there

    Now the valley swore with anger
    Mount your horses, draw your swords
    And they killed the mountain people
    So they won their just rewards

    Now stood beside the treasure
    On the mountain dark and red
    Turned the stone and looked beneath it
    Peace on Earth, was all it said

    Go ahead and hate your neighbor
    Go ahead and cheat a friend
    Do it in the name of Heaven
    You can justify it in the end

    There won't be any trumpets blowing
    Come the judgment day
    On the bloody morning after
    One tin soldier rides away

  5. To the libs.......this land belongs to the people. NOT the government. They have been grazing the "free range" since 1877. The reasoning behind this government aggression is transparent - mineral rights. If they want a war, I say...."Cry havoc....and let slip the dogs of war". Its overdue.


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