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Thursday, April 10, 2014

JUST IN: HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius Resigning

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius will announce Friday she is stepping down, ABC News has confirmed.

The president will nominate Budget Director Sylvia Burwell to replace her.


  1. bye bye beeeatch. She has to be the coldest person alive... way she said regarding the little girl that needed the double lung transplant..."some people live and some people die".

  2. Now maybe the rest of them will jump ship.

  3. 3:15 - we can only hope...

  4. she a democrat 7:10. Their actions prove time and time again they don't care about their own children much less anyone else's.
    This isn't only her but all democrats.

  5. what took her so long?

  6. Good riddance but...what is going to replace her? Could be worse knowing this administration.

  7. 8:53 - we said it couldn't be worse when Jimmy Carter was president - now he's jumping for joy knowing that the current white house resident is significantly worse!

  8. 8:53-the problem all along is not many want to work in this admin so they have to pick from the bottom of the barrel. Pure crap to put it bluntly. Under obama more top positions have remained vacant than any other president. Let's face it, no one of any principles and integrity would breath the same air as Obama much less lower themselves to work in such a corrupt inept admin.

  9. So Obama does not get in any more trouble....she will disappear now..

  10. Yeah, jump ship now, since the worst is yet to come! Smart cookie!



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