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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Jeb Bush Was Public Enemy No. 1 At One Of The Year's Biggest Conservative Gatherings

MANCHESTER, N.H. — Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has started, over the past few weeks, to ratchet up talk of a potential presidential run in 2016. If that's the case, the reaction he received this weekend at a gathering of conservatives in the first-in-the-nation primary state of New Hampshire was not what he was looking for.

Bush served as a punch line for — of all people — Donald Trump.

"You know, I heard Jeb Bush the other day," Trump said during his speech at the Freedom Summit, hosted by the conservative groups Citizens United and Americans for Prosperity.

The crowd immediately started to boo and groan upon hearing Bush's name. Trump then referenced comments Bush had made on immigration on April 6, when he said most people who cross the border illegally do so out of "love."

"He was talking about people that come into this country illegally. They do it for love," Trump said as the boos got louder.



  1. We've had enough Bushes, Clinton's, Kennedys, Reid's, Pelosis, Karl Roves, Hucabees, McCains and thousands of other career politicians. That's why we're going down fast.

  2. Good. Push out all of the moderate, intelligent candidates. Make your tent as small as possible in the name of purity. You're sure to win elections that way.

  3. Reps are setting up to lose big again, next time to Obama's successor, whoever she is!

  4. We need to vote out the political class. 9:05 is right. These people get rich and powerful by keeping it in the family just look at that worm Reid and his son. It's your money and they are stealing it, GET PISSED!


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