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Friday, April 18, 2014


A federal judge in Denver has granted an injunction to a ministry founded by longtime Christian author and broadcaster James Dobson, Family Talk radio, preventing the enforcement of Obamacare’s abortifacient mandate against the ministry.

His was among probably more than 100 lawsuits brought by ministries, individuals and organizations against Obama’s healthcare takeover on the grounds it violates the religious rights of Christians by forcing them to pay for abortion-causing procedures.

In fact, when the lawsuit was filed on his behalf in 2013, Dobson, who founded Family Talk in 2010, explained. “We are suing [then-HHS Secretary] Kathleen Sebelius for forcing or trying to force all of us to give abortifacient medications to our employees, and I just absolutely refuse to do it. We’ll close down before I’ll do it.”

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  1. and dp&l forces us to pay for smart meter opt out.
    blackmail, extortion.

  2. What a quack. I worry where the populations sanity is heading.


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