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Friday, April 11, 2014

I Wonder Why Code & Compliance Won't Write Up Old Fire House

I know if I had paint chipping on my old building Downtown I'd get written up in a New York Second. 


  1. The city may assume that painting will occur soon as part of the building's overhaul by Brad Gillis.

  2. Gotta remember who owns it now.

  3. in the same manner as snow removal (or lack of) from the sidewalks on the railroad overpass on Rt.13, the city of salisbury does NOT abide by the same rules they impose on it's citizens

  4. That's government for you. Do as I say not as I do.

  5. 10:18 AM - Oh so true, they have never abided by the same rules they impose. Kind of reminds me of the Obamas.

  6. Yeah but they didn't like you

  7. I got written up for a little algae growing on my house. It's a wooded lot...it's back within a couple of weeks. Meanwhile, there are several foreclosures around that are literally falling apart. That doesn't seem to be an issue.

  8. He's just a good old boy (sing)

  9. Correction;you would have been written up and fined if a leaf blew by your building.

  10. Their are 2 sets of rules in Salisbury, renters no clean up by landlords, no clean up for business, only home owners are charged and followed up on. There are even people living in foreclosed properties and they look the other way. Double standards always has been always will be.

  11. well, you know, tom's not there anymore and that office is so backlogged it isn't funny.


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