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Saturday, April 19, 2014

I Thought Government Wasn't In Business To Make Money/Profit?

The U.S. Marshals Service will sell more than $5 billion worth of confiscated property related to a New York terrorism case. A federal judge has approved the plans. The Marshals will put a 36-foot Manhattan skyscraper on the auction block. The owners secretly funneled revenue from it to a state-owned Iranian bank, in violation of U.S. law. 

The Justice Department calls it the largest terrorism-related forfeiture ever. It stems from a deal between the federal government and victims, including family of those killed on 9/11. 

The government will receive reimbursement for legal expenses and costs of the sales before distributing the rest of the money to victims.


  1. victims will see nothing

  2. "...a 36-foot Manhattan skyscraper?"

    Will there be leprechauns to dance around it?


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