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Tuesday, April 08, 2014

House GOP sets first vote to hold Lois Lerner in contempt over IRS

Republicans have scheduled a vote next week to hold Lois G. Lerner in contempt of Congress for refusing to testify about her role in the Internal Revenue Service’s tea party targeting scandal, setting up a major battle over constitutional rights versus Congress‘ ability to oversee the government.

Rep. Darrell E. Issa, the House’s top investigator, said Thursday that as a senior official at the center of the IRS targeting, Ms. Lerner will either talk or face penalties for refusing to help the committee get to the bottom of who orchestrated the targeting and what the motives were.

Ms. Lerner’s involvement in wrongdoing and refusal to meet her legal obligations has left the committee with no alternative but to consider a contempt finding,” he said.

Mr. Issa has scheduled an April 10 vote of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. If the contempt resolution passes, it will go to the House floor for final approval and would not require approval of the Democrat-led Senate.



  1. Held in contempt, exonerated by BHO. Is that how it will pan out?

  2. Just call him BO 7:53. It's more fitting. Besides we aren't supposed to say his middle name "Hussein." It's insensitive because it's used derogatory as it's muslin sounding.

  3. Not to get off topic, but muslin ia a fabric. Muslim is the religion.

  4. They need to ask themselves exactly what they plan to do about it if she does tell it all.I hope it isn't like the saber rattling birther faction who have zero follow up plan.

  5. Without media pressure it gets swept under the rug.

  6. C'mon, MSM, have some balls!


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