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Tuesday, April 01, 2014

GOP Hawks Worry Rand Paul Has Too Much Ron

Republican donors wary of his more noninterventionist foreign policy views are promising a countercampaign to keep the Kentucky Senator and Tea Party star from securing the nomination if he rises too high for their tastes
Kentucky Senator Rand Paul is hard at work laying the groundwork for an almost certain presidential campaign in 2016, but as he broadens his support among libertarian and younger voters, there’s a budding countercampaign to take him down if he becomes a threat to actually win the nomination.

At the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) meeting in Las Vegas this weekend, Paul was nowhere to be found, but his presence was felt in the form of a straw man — and frequent worry. Speaker after speaker, from former Florida governor Jeb Bush to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, laid into Paul’s more isolationist views on foreign policy. They never mentioned the lawmaker by name, but the message came across loud and clear.


  1. OMG, Rand is for not bombing the hell out of various middleast countries in order to try to control the oil industries. Damn! what a bastard! How can we be the world's most active terrorists with him at the helm? I mean, unless we terrorize those bastions with drones, oil prices for us will skyrocket! (Oh, yeah, that's what Oblama did). So oil prices will fall.

    Well, we can't let that happen! Tghat kills our TAX BASE!

    It only gets worse, boys and girls...

  2. I, for one, would like MORE Ron!

  3. the more the rino's line up against him the better he'll fair with the average voter!

  4. The inside the beltway group of RINO GOPs getting scared... good, they had better!

  5. 5:42,
    You're dreaming! Don't get me wrong. I wish you were right. The problem is they'll throw so much money against him or anyone like him, they're willing to shoot themselves in the foot. The Rinos are more like Democrats than Conservatives. There are too many people that know too little of the truth so the money will matter.

  6. Halliburton is going to put a hit on him if he keeps saying this stuff.

  7. One can often define themselves by the nature of their enemies.
    Here's a guy that says (can you believe it!?) that personal liberty, adherence to the Constitution, small government, and leadership that doesn't have to intervene in disputes of oil producing nations (if we are so concerned about "human rights", why haven't we invaded North Korea???....oh yeah --- they don't have any oil)).
    The republican party is just a bunch of warmongering, bribe taking old men who, like their democrat brothers, only wish to preserve THEIR power and riches. Rand threatens that. Hence, their fear.

  8. 5:42 Your dream is mine. Let’s do what we can to turn around what’s left of the conservative GOP and kick out the Obama butt kissing RINOs. If that is not possible the GOP is dead because the Demo-commies will win by default. That means government change will not happen by means of the corrupt system. But it can change, history is our example.


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