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Sunday, April 06, 2014

Former Salisbury Firefighter Bruce Fowler Sentenced to 40 Years

However, he'll serve 15 years with 3 years probation and lifetime registration as a Tier 3 Sex Offender.

Another SCUMBAG who hopefully won't ever see the light of day outside prison walls. 


  1. I don't see what was wrong with 40 years. Why does this POS get 25 years off his sentence? Let him rot. No, no... let him out in 15 years, so he can abuse more children.

  2. at his age, he won't make 15 years in prison, he will die in there or wish he had. Wait for the Civil suites to come next.

    A waste of friendships, careers and anything good he has done.

  3. Family and friends are who y'all need to worry about when it comes to protecting children, not a transgender person.

  4. @1:25 -- you aren't paying attention. That is not the topic of the post. Take your rant elsewhere.

  5. He is paying attention, this person is the typical molester and who you is most likely to abuse children. Not a person that thinks they are the other sex or dresses differently.

  6. Well I can't say that Bruce didn't get what he deserved. Given his age he may never be a free man again, justifiably so.

    God bless the children who were abused.

  7. He wasn't a DuPont heir. Only those with money "don't fare well in prison".

  8. 1:25- FYI-You have to worry about EVERYONE when it comes to protecting children. The statistics often quoted are misleading in that, when a child is sexually assaulted by a friend or family member 99.9% of the time it is due to the high risk lifestyle of the adults in the child's life. Mr and Mrs Smith, living in suburbia with the white picket fence all most never ever have to worry about "family or friends" sexually abusing their child. A local example would be Sarah Foxwell. She would still be alive today if she had been the child of different parents.

  9. Not sure about transgenders but there is no denying homosexuals are a greater than average risk to children. 95% of all pedophiles are men and over 40% of their victims are little boys. Unless (which it doesn't) the homosexual community makes up 40% of the population than they do indeed pose a greater risk to children. Simple statistical fact.
    Over 85% of pedophiles identify with the LGBT lifestyle.

  10. @1:25 Yeah! What 1:40 said! How dare you voice a valid concern, one that is proven true time and time again. Shame on you.

    PS. It's only OK if it's hate TOWARDS gays or transgendered.

  11. 1:25 I would love to hear a definition of what Transgender means--other than a distinction to enable yet another dysfunction crafted by some do nothing Federal Program..advancing the myth that Sexuality has some public domain it possesses outside of someone's Bedroom--nobody cares --nobody except someone afflicted and yearning for an excuse to be flamboyant within some weird activism

  12. The concern isn't valid at all if you care to dig into the facts of child sexual abuse. Read 3:34. Sarah Foxwell was 10 times more likely to become a victim of something due to her familial situation.
    The latest MD Amber Alert is another example. The mother (who was murdered by the "kidnapper") had married an already registered child sex offender, who went on to molester one of her children. This will be a statistic citing a case of family member abuse.

  13. The problem with you people 4:21 is "y'all" (identity problem much 1:25? Are you trying to emulate Duck Dynasty?)equate "hate" with distaste and disgust.
    Sounds like "y'all" have some inferiority problems going on as well as insecurity issues. First of all why would anyone care if they are hated. If someone hates me so be it. I could care less. But then again I am very secure in my position. Secondly, if someone finds someone's lifestyle distasteful that's there opinion which they are entitled to. No different than someone who leads a criminal lifestyle and finding them offensive.
    I think the problem with these gays are, they are uptight. Speaking of Duck Dynasty it burned them up to no end when Phil said they were sinning. They must believe they are sinning otherwise it wouldn't have bothered them. Everyone sins everyday and everyone hates it when those sins are pointed out to them. That's why I don't go to church. I hate being reminded that I am a sinner. It would be in the best mental interest of these gays if they stopped worrying themselves silly over who "hates" them and who doesn't.

  14. 5:16
    Try Google!

    3:34 I guess that the Du Ponts are the 0.01%? Where do you and the poster after you get your statistics? Happy meal bags from McDonalds? Try Wikipedia or goggle unless facts that don't support your claims scare you.

  15. 6:02-I don't rely on Wiki nor Google as I worked in the trenches for nearly 40 years and had a hand at some point in time compiling the statistics I speak of for the particular city where I worked. Wiki and Google are for amateurs which I am not.
    As far as the du Pont heir-are you aware he has had mental illness issues his whole life? While we are not privy to exactly what type of mental illness he suffers from, the judge was as part of a presentence investigation, and that is why he was relieved of any prison time and just sentenced to probation.
    So FYI no he isn't one of the 0.01%. In plain English the woman married this nut, had children which due to the mental illness of the father put the children at a greater risk to become a victim of a crime perpetrated by the father.
    Now go away because your use of Wiki and/or google to garner facts speaks volumes as to your complete and utter ignorance on this subject and the facts surrounding child sexual abuse. I don't tolerate ignorance well and have no use for it.

  16. This person confessed. No need to work for it and you STILL got a reduced sentence. What does that tell you? If someone does not confess (often the case) it is nearly impossible to put them away or even stop some of them. The average child molester has had dozens if victims and possibly more before they are even caught. This is a sad commentary on the state of the judicial system. I would really like to know how someone who CONFESSED still slipped by the system. Is because of all his good deeds before? Try telling those little girls that good deeds offset their suffering and the therapy they will need for life.

  17. Yeah 6:02, bringing up the Du Pont case only solidifies the claim made by 3:34. What most people aren't realizing is Robert H Richards was given the sentence of probation nearly 5 years ago and it is only coming to light because of a civil suit. According to psychiatric records Richards had "significant" mental health issues his whole life. So here you have another case of a mother who put her children in harms way by marrying and having children with a known psychotic person.

  18. 6:47
    Please elaborate on your delusions of grandeur. Google is a tool that will provide statistics from educated professionals' studies, university research, government statistics such NIH/BLS as well as those of religious groups like the American Family Council. Where have your statistics been published? By your statement it would appear seem that you are retired LEO (worked in the trenches) which would indicate a minimal education and always answered to someone in a higher position. Since this is American, I will not go away and am entitled to voice my opinion by the First Amendment or does that only apply to people that agree with you?

  19. I don't tolerate ignorance well and have no use for it.

    April 1, 2014 at 6:47 PM

    You must not like or have use for yourself then. You're full of crap.

  20. is that one of the ff heros?


  21. 2:18 AM You hit the nail on the head. It sure is one of the ff heroes from the Salisbury Fire Department.

  22. 2:18 He will be on hose detail for the rest of his life.

  23. A face only a mother could love


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