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Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Former President Bill Clinton endorses Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown

ANNAPOLIS, Md. - Former President Bill Clinton entered into Maryland politics Tuesday when he endorsed Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown in his bid to become governor.

“Anthony Brown’s lengthy record of public service to our nation and the state of Maryland is a powerful testament to his character and leadership,” said Clinton in a statement.

“As Lt. Governor, Anthony has worked to create thousands of jobs, to make quality health care more accessible and affordable, to secure passage of some of the nation’s toughest gun safety laws, to protect women and children from domestic violence, and to make record investments in Maryland’s public schools. He is uniquely qualified to lead Maryland, and I am proud to support him for Governor.”


  1. "“Anthony Brown’s lengthy record of public service to our nation and the state of Maryland is a powerful testament to his character and leadership,”

    That in itself is his baggage.

  2. "leadership?" What a laugh-to us intelligent people anyway. brown was tasked with one thing and one thing only, given a hundred million dollars and fouled it up royally. Yeah that's real leadership! clinton may be able to fool the fools living in the cess pools of crime and poverty (democratic stronghold areas like the inner cities) but he doesn't fool me.
    brown is a nothing, but he will win because he's black. Blacks would vote for a child molester as long as he was black. It's the way they operate and what do they have to show for their stupid voting record-a race that's in a shambles.

  3. And believe what I tell you. I did not have sex with that woman even though they found my sperm on her dress.

  4. God help all of us here in My Maryland.

  5. Democrats can't govern .

  6. 5:44

    That just proves he had sex with the dress...

  7. Brown the Clown was in charge of Maryland's Healthcare Website. $240 MILLION wasted and now another $67 MILLION to pay Connecticut to copy their healthcare website.
    Clinton is calling this "leadership'? And there are some will vote for him............sad.

  8. Bill Clinton is a sexual predator and an impeached liar. No one but a person of the same character would want or accept his endorsement.

  9. Obama Crooked BastardoApril 9, 2014 at 10:53 PM

    Supprise, One Crooked Democ-rat Endorsing Another Crooked Rat, Go figure.
    "Lengthy Record" of what ? Croockedness, thats right. Bill "Slick Willy" Clinton should worry about not forgetting leaving Slick Willy in some woman's mouth. Let's Welcome Clinton's as President and First Lady of the Jerry Springer Show!!!

  10. Have you ever wondered why Bill Clinton's nose is always read? I've always seen W.C. Fields in this man.

  11. 6:48 - you can't fix stupid...and they continue to breed!

  12. Wonder how much THAT costs us?


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