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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Enriching Our World Through Cultural Exchange

High School Students from Sweden, Germany, and China are looking forward to making their dreams come true in DelMarVa this fall and to participate in an Academic Year in the USA. International Cultural Exchange Services, ICES is a non-profit student exchange organization and we are currently seeking families in the area who are interested in opening up their heart and home to a student who will soon be embarking on the adventure of a lifetime!

ICES students are carefully screened and selected according to their ability to adapt to another culture, academics, flexibility, maturity and the willingness to share and learn more about your family and America. ICES students will arrive in Southern Delaware at the end of August, each student will have their own medical insurance, spending money, good English ability and a strong commitment to becoming a member of your family and the local community.

DelMarVa!! We are looking for host families who would be willing to provide a loving home and meals for a semester or year to a student who would love to share their cultural with your family. They do truly become like one of your own children and you help to build bridges around the world and relationships that will last a lifetime. They can share a room and are looking forward to meeting your family. For more information on how to become a host family, please contact Erin Windsor at 302-725-7777. You can also visit us online atwww.icesusa.org or call our National Office toll free 1-800-344-3566.

1 comment:

  1. America used to be a country to be proud of but now that Obama has introduced authoritarian socialism
    we are becoming second world.
    America used to be exceptional.
    Under Obama we have become sub par second world in manufacturing, in education, and now, due to his incompetence, in economic status as well. I would say to these students, move along, nothing to see or be proud of here in Obama's Socialist Amerika.


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