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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Emails Show Lois Lerner Fed True the Vote Tax Information to Democrat Elijah Cummings

New IRS emails released by the House Oversight Committee show staff working for Democratic Ranking Member Elijah Cummings communicated with the IRS multiple times between 2012 and 2013 about voter fraud prevention group True the Vote. True the Vote was targeted by the IRS after applying for tax exempt status more than two years ago. Further, information shows the IRS and Cummings' staff asked for nearly identical information from True the Vote President Catherine Engelbrecht about her organization, indicating coordination and improper sharing of confidential taxpayer information.

Chairman of the House Oversight Committee Darrell Issa, along with five Subcommittee Chairmen are demanding Cummings provide an explanation for the staff inquiries to the IRS about True the Vote and for his denial that his staff ever contacted the IRS about the group.

“Although you have previously denied that your staff made inquiries to the IRS about conservative organization True the Vote that may have led to additional agency scrutiny, communication records between your staff and IRS officials – which you did not disclose to Majority Members or staff – indicates otherwise,” the letter to Cummings states. “As the Committee is scheduled to consider a resolution holding Ms. Lerner, a participant in responding to your communications that you failed to disclose, in contempt of Congress, you have an obligation to fully explain your staff’s undisclosed contacts with the IRS.”



  1. Somebody's got sum splaining to do!

  2. Guess Cummings will complain he's being picked on and targeted again!

  3. 7:47-You are absolutely right. How long do you think it will take him and his comrades to turn this into a case of racism? The saddest part is that the ignorant in this country will believe it, if it ever even makes the news. The commies and their cohorts in the media will cover it up. Nothing to see here folks-just another case of whitey with his boot on a black mans neck. It happens every day in this evil racist country. IF there is ever enough pressure to force congress to do something to save their "honor and integrity", he will get a slap on the wrist, maybe get "sanctioned" like they did the criminal chollie wrangle. That's how communism works. Welcome to the new America.

  4. EC is a card-carrying Communist who proudly joined the US House Communist Caucus and another MD Democrat national star - just think, he was the guest of the Worcester County Democrats just last year at the Atlantic Hotel.......

  5. Time for Elijah to find a new job, oh right...he never had a job!

  6. Rewind to March 5, 2014 IRS hearing:

    "I am a member of the Congress of the United States of America! I am tired of this," Cummings said, even after Issa tried to adjourn the hearing and cut off Cummings' microphone. "You cannot just have a one-sided investigation."

    It's just another cover-up. The Democrats call these "phony scandals" and accuse Issa of holding "phony hearings", and the media will play along.

  7. Now he will play the race card, that's what they do when they get caught. He is a disgrace to America along with Obama, Holder, Reid, and a lot of others.

  8. If Cummings ever learns to speak English properly I'd give him a listen, until then he's just another affirmative action slug feeding at the government trough, lying his way through, deceiving and misrepresenting the people.
    He's dirty, no matter what color he is and needs to be dispensed of all duty.

  9. The race card is all these people got !

  10. It's all racism, and nothing to do with accountability...

    Sorry folks, nothing to see here... now move along...


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