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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Dems' 2014 challenge: How to win when Americans see a liar in th

Timing is everything in politics and the latest Fox News poll suggests the timing of the 2014 midterm election could not be worse forPresident Obama and his fellow Democrats.

With public approval of Congress in the single digits, senators and representatives in both parties may face the most challenging political environment of their careers.

But the Fox survey makes clear that things aren't breaking well for Obama, either, and his popularity rating may be the most important factor in determining how Democrats fare in November.

Liar, liar, pants on fire



  1. The average person doesnt know enough or have the brain stem enough to know the darn difference. The poor folks wait for a check and the people with checks see how much more than the check they can get away with spending. Everything one truely needs one already has.

  2. And these guys are not backing down! They're with O all the way & endorsing his policies.Is anyone as amazed at that as I am?


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