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Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Democrat Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-MA) told the Boston Herald last week Obamacare will cost Democrats dearly in the upcoming midterm elections.

"We will lose seats in the House," said Lynch. "And I think we may lose the Senate. I think that's a possibility if things continue to go the way they have been... primarily because of health care."

Lynch added, "There's all these taxes and fees that are the tough medicine, that up to now they haven't implemented. I don't know who's going to do that. Maybe... they expect the next administration is going to put these penalties in place. I think that's the time it's going to hit the fan."



  1. Sad part is, experts know what the fees are and how bad they will be, yet the Government controlled media will not tell the people about these cost increases until after the elections. Sadder yet, many Lib's will deny that there is an increase or want to argue that it went up at a slower rate... even after it hits the fan.

  2. Sad part is, experts know what the fees are and how bad they will be, yet the Government controlled media will not tell the people about these cost increases until after the elections. Sadder yet, many Lib's will deny that there is an increase or want to argue that it went up at a slower rate... even after it hits the fan.

  3. Don't think so. It's the GOP that will be in trouble come election time. more than 9 million more citizens now have health insurance than in 2008 and more are signing up everyday. Nope; much like Social Security and Medicare the AFA will quickly become part of the American fabric.

    1. Yeah, after 40 million lost theirs.

  4. They'll try to blame the upcoming taxes and fees on the newly elected Republicans - who will have no choice but to vote to reduce/eliminate them - and force the president to sign the reductions (dooming the entire program) or show the people that it really is a Democrat Socialist agenda foisted on the people.

    First thing that we need to do is elect representatives willing to bring this country back from the Democrat Socialist cliff we are standing in front of.


  5. Stop lying 10:39. 9 million more Americans do not have health insurance than in 2008.
    You people ought to be ashamed of yourselves the way the lies flow out of your mouths and out of obamas. You are to be pitied for the lack of self respect and integrity you have. And you are to be pitied for having the unfortunate situation of being born to parents who themselves are lacking in the morals department and passed it on to you.

  6. 10:32 You sir, are full of crap. 9 million on Obamacare? It is a known fact that most of the signups had insurance before the lying president stripped them of it. And what is the AFA?

  7. 10:32 Whatever you are smoking, I want some. You are either an idiot or a Democrat. Most likely,both!

  8. 10:32... really. You are an idiot. The vast majority of people are going to be paying more, a lot more. Premiums and deductibles are going to sky rocket... Even if 9 million more got insurance, (and they did not - most are people who lost better plans) the millions who are going to be significantly hurt by the ACA will be out to vote in November and in 16 to elect people who will stop this socialist madness.

  9. Unless the GOP can win the votes of hispanics and move away from the ultra religious right, they don't stand a chance in 2016.

  10. I will pay the fine before I give them my personal information. I have heard what they have done with it to other people. Plus I am getting closer each day to death so they can do what they want to me. I just hope before I go my vote will help others. map


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